In STILLNESS (calm mind, calm body) with your eyes closed and without engaging any involuntary or unnecessary muscles, inhale slowly through the nose then release the air through the nose PASSIVELY; no abdominal activation. Feel the expansion and reduction of the breathing system
2. In Through The Nose - Out Through The Mouth
In STILLNESS with your eyes closed and without engaging any involuntary or unnecessary muscles, breathe in slowly through the nose then relax the body and release the air through the mouth. Be sure to check that you are remaining PASSIVE and not blowing.
3. The BackSwing
When you put the finger between the teeth and breathe in, the back of the tongue lowers and the throat opens, opening an air column into the lungs. This creates “The Body’s Concert Hall” an important element of the Mystery to Mastery method.
On the exhalation, be sure the tongue stays down and the throat stays open creating a feeling of freedom and relaxation.
WindWorks members understand that due to overexertion, most players in the world don’t use their concert hall and suffer from a degree of choking, called, the “Valsalva maneuver.”