The transition from PASSIVE to ACTIVE is where problems start; where it all turns to custard.
Learning to play using the PASSIVE DROP after an ACTIVE breath removes unnecessary tightness, stress, and exertion experienced by most players.
Are you burning the pizza? The body is capable of creating massive amounts of compression, energy or heat. Developing a virtuoso technique relies on creating the optimum amount of energy and converting it to sound.
You could be working 2, 3 or 4 times harder than what you need. Whilst it is necessary to engage the air-support muscles at times when wanting to play longer passages at louder volumes, danger lies in over-compressing and over-activating muscles that need to be massaged, not punched!
Starting with the PASSIVE approach to playing is the basis of the WindWorks Trumpet Academy Course. The benefits are numerous:
The term SHAPE describes the lips, mouth, jaw, face, and tongue and is the part of the body/instrument sound column that stimulates pitch change. When you discover the LIP-ZIP, MILK-SPOUT and BED-SHEET concepts, your playing will change forever.
Be sure not to confuse endurance with strength! Extremely strong players can experience serious endurance problems. Efficiency is the key to improved endurance.
When you discover that articulation is a RELEASE of energy from behind the tongue and not a physical push from the body, efficiency escalates and consistency skyrockets. Watch the Teaching Tuesdays LIVE sessions for some FREE demos.
Let’s face it, everyone wants a bigger, easier range! Unfortunately, the all-pressure, athletic approach adopted by most players is hindering, NOT helping range development. ENROL NOW to expand your range like never before.
A beautiful sound on the trumpet requires the perfect balance of energy flow and muscle engagement. The Body’s Concert Hall is key to finding optimum resonance and purity of sound.