Sunday Sessions MASTERCLASS
SUNDAY SESSIONS MASTERCLASS THIS WEEK – Sunday June 30th This week’s sessions reveal how to articulate without triggering the Valsalva Maneuver. This is a NOT
Consistency is the bridge between goals and achievements
SUNDAY SESSIONS MASTERCLASS THIS WEEK – Sunday June 30th This week’s sessions reveal how to articulate without triggering the Valsalva Maneuver. This is a NOT
TEACHING TUESDAYS LIVE Be sure to watch all previous sessions of Teaching Tuesdays LIVE @ WindWorks Support Network
If you have ever said, “I Quit”… Excellent!
Why? Because you have finally “Hit The Wall!” and that sends you in the direction of change.
Welcome to WindWorks Trumpet Academy.
Every day we welcome new students that need to find an easier way to play.
CLICK ACTIVATE BELOW to discover what we’re are all about and how WindWorks can help you.
Q. Have you ever seen a player who plays effortlessly, all over the trumpet, and wonder how they do it?
Q. Do you find trumpet playing hard work?
Q. Would you like to overcome playing obstructions?
Develop a 3-4 Octave Range
Confidence & Consistency
Killer Sound
Virtuoso Technique
A. We reveal why 99% of players spend their playing lives struggling and frustrated.
Develop a 3-4 Octave Range
Confidence & Consistency
Killer Sound
Virtuoso Technique