By the end of the week you will have discovered both your note duration (breath control) limits and your speed limits. These limits will improve over the course of the challenge and the flow-on effects into your playing is incredible.
Greg will live-stream his sessions here on this page or if you would like to interact and ask questions in real time, you can do this via the #wihsc Facebook LIVE page. All videos will be posted on the WindWorks/MTM YouTube channel as well.
You can choose to print out paper progress charts or use the interactive digital charts.
(PLEASE NOTE: The interactive Practice Progress Chart below will work today but can only store your ongoing progress if you are a WindWorks subscriber.)
Days 1 – 2: Fill out your Practice Progress Chart. Tick as many boxes as possible.
Play each TEMPO (speed) for as LONG (duration) as you can and tick the appropriate boxes.
Day 3 – 7: Tick at least two boxes a day; aim for at least one DURATION and one TEMPO improvement.
Day 7: Print or screen shot your Week 1 PPC and put it in a folder or an envelope; you are not going to read it again until the end of the challenge.
Find your speed and breath control limits then on a daily basis, aim to beat your previous personal best.
(excerpt from the Largo Status Stage)
You are here so you must be serious about getting great results; PRACTISE LIKE A VIRTUOSO!
You are learning new sensations and ideas about efficient playing. You will have new feelings and a refined psychology about the process of sound production. Based on these new ideas, feel free to experiment and find what works for you. There is no ONE ONLY WAY to learn to play!
Wake up with the urge to fill out more boxes in the Practice Progress Charts. Be obsessed. Be virtuosic.
The 1% Rule – “Can I get 1% more sound out of my body by doing 1% less work?” Increasing the TEMPO and DURATION of the PPC’s requires a relaxed, efficient playing technique. Start by taking a full breath and freely humming or singing the best sound you can. Then use the process of elimination to find how to do less work for more sound. Remember, vocal cords under strain and too much air flow reduce the resonance of the body; this in turn affects the sound of your instrument. Find the 1% Rule and many others in the FREE Largo Status Stage
Eliminating over exertion and negative tension
Structured, optimal practise routine
Constant efficiency and range development
No wasting time wondering what to practise
Constantly pushing your boundaries and smashing P.B’s
Preparation for the Foundation Level Completion
Choose you desired tempo on the metronome
How fast can you go? Find your speed limit – work on your flexibility
Watch the clock
How long can you play for? Find your time limit – work on breath control
Sound must remain free and resonant throughout!
Play Both Notes With Valves 2 and 3
Play Both Notes In 5th Position
WindWorks International Harmonic Slur Challenge #WIHSC – Week 1
Set a metronome tempo and use the clock to see how long you can go for.
(PLEASE NOTE: You must be a registered and SIGNED-IN WindWorks member for the Progress Charts to store your progress – SIGN UP FOR FREE)
You just earned the member status!
Aim to tick a new box every day!!!
At the end of week 1, I am going to get you to either screenshot and save in a folder your PPC or if you are using paper charts to put them in an envelope and hide them.
At the completion of the challenge, you will go back and look where you started to see how much you developed over that time.
I am giving away 1 x Ultimate Level ($720 Value )and 2 x Premium Level Year Subscription ($480 Value) to the people who develop the best.
TO ENTER:You need to email me a video file (via drop box or any other file sharing portal) or send a video link from YouTube of you playing your harmonic slurs each week. It can be at the end or the start of the first week and the end of the last week to demonstrate your development. DON’T BE SHY!!! There are plenty of people that can go WAY faster than me but by the end of the challenge, I’ll be catching them 🙂