

  • Hi Greg,learning from you and exploring your revolutionary playing concepts in depth are the greatest gifts I've received as I journey through musician's focal dystonia. Your techniques and brilliant psychology are helping me significantly reduce and eliminate symptoms, and are leading me to a much…

  • Hello Greg, wanted to thank you for the wonderful things you are doing with WindWorks. I have been struggling with bad playing habits the past 30+ years since studying with Chicowicz at Northwestern while still playing gigs and killing myself in the process. I am…

    Pat Jarve

  • Hi Greg, my name is Fernando Dissenha, I am principal trumpet with Osesp, here in Brazil. Your pedagogy is second to none. I am doing your course and spreading the news with my students with absolutely great results. I hope to meet you some day!…

    Fernando Dissenha

  • "Greg, Bravo on your new WindWorks program, I am really enjoying it. It is bringing me back to my days studying with Arnold Jacobs and Vince Cichowicz. Your insights have definitely brought even more clarity to brass playing and the psychology of results! I studied…

    Phil Savard

  • Greg – great to meet you here – checking out your website – amazing stuff on there to help us fellow trumpet players – a ton of great information on there and I am going to check out all the videos!

    Jim Manley

  • Greg - wow, I am blown away by the videos. I discovered the leadpipe thing and no buzzing but just air in the mouthpiece about a year ago and never looked back. These videos hit the nail right on the head - amazing information!

    Jim Manley

    Professional Trumpeter, USA
  • Hey Greg, it has taken me over 20 years to discover what you have presented here in your book. Congratulations on the layout and approach, I know it will help a lot of people if they take the time to learn it for themselves!

    Sean H.MA

  • Hi Greg, sorry for my terrible english, consider my small donation just as a little symbol cause i really wanted to thank you some how  for what you’re doing. I’m not joking when i say that the knowledge and the information that you’ve decided to…

    Michele B

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