mats.dahlund replied to the topic Cornett players? in the forum WindWorks 5 years, 4 months ago
I think I might have found a way forward, regarding the harmonic slurs. I managed to fit a cornett mouthpiece to a bugle. It´s a dirt cheap plastic bugle, with not the best of sounds, but at least it lets me practice harmonic slurs from concert Bb to G, which is far less daunting than the full octave from low B to mid-staff B, which is the…[Read more]
mats.dahlund replied to the topic Cornett players? in the forum WindWorks 5 years, 4 months ago
Hi Greg,
thank you for taking time to comment, and for being clear about the toungue level.
Unfortunately there are no fingerings that give less than an octave between the first and second harmonics, and all the second harmonics are so high that a slur to the third is bit too difficult for a beginner trying this exercise.
The instrument is so…[Read more]
mats.dahlund replied to the topic Cornett players? in the forum WindWorks 5 years, 4 months ago
Using your approach for sure would take care of both the problems I mentioned. For various reasons I never went this way (explaing why will take a longer answer), but now I feel that I must give it try with larger mouthpieces, and see what it actually does for the sound.
mats.dahlund started the topic Cornett players? in the forum WindWorks 5 years, 4 months ago
Yes, you read that right, cornett with a double “tt”, not cornet! I do not play any of the common brass instruments, but am learning the cornett (cornetto, zink or whatever name you might know them by).
However, the whole MTM concept makes such a lot of sense to me that I will give it a try anyway.
My question:
Does anyone have any experience…[Read more]