patricknowland9 replied to the topic Music and Science in the forum WindWorks 2 years, 6 months ago
Janet! Yay!
I’m very happy for you! Tomorrow will just be another opportunity to thank the lifeguard 🙂
All the best,
Patrick 🙂
patricknowland9 replied to the topic Music and Science in the forum WindWorks 2 years, 6 months ago
Hi Janet,
Thank you for sharing some of your experiences with dystonia. I can relate to a lot of what you have said and it has taken a fair while to understand what has been going on for me and to accept “the death of the player I used to be”.
I have found that my 1.0 brain was entrenched in survival mode and was motivated to satisfy…[Read more]
patricknowland9 replied to the topic Me 2.0 has guilt in the forum WindWorks 2 years, 7 months ago
Hi Wellsweb62,
Thank you for posting these thoughts and observations to the forum. When guilt (and/or shame as hucky2311 alluded to) is involved it can be difficult to want to share these experiences however I feel it is really important that you have.
I agree with those that have already replied, that you do not need to feel responsible for the…[Read more]