Goodmorning John,
Yes we had a conversation a few times here and i did know your a downstream player as well. What i am doing is move out my jaw so my teeth aline more so the release of air is more forward then downwards. It takes time to get used to but the sensation came along when i played more upwards. Use the humming as a start and then the paper towel and my old rim from my mouthpiece as a visualiser. I spoke Greg in an e-mail and he told my he was coming to The Netherlands again. When he does i’m going to plan an lesson with him. If that takes to long i try to get a Skype lesson with him. But i think it’s good to experiment a bit more to see if the jaw movement gives me more freedom and ease to play. thank you for replying to my post and keep well. Ofcourse i love to hear if you find any other improvements that applie to the both of us. Greetings Reijer