Mystery to Mastery › Forums › WindWorks › Buzzing mouthpiece?
Hi Greg and everybody,
Maurice André said that he always played trumpet effortlessly.
He also said that he was playing trumpet and not mouthpiece when someone asked him what he thought about mouthpiece buzzing.
Now I understand why he didn’t force! He was blowing, not buzzing, not clamping!
Why so many teachers says that we must buzz mouthpiece to have a good sound. Is it a fashion?
All the best!
Sometime you have to keep in shape, but you cannot bring your instrument. The only option may be the mouthpiece (it is easy to take with you in your pocket).
What do you do then?
I would bring my mouthpiece.
Actually I did that in April this year, when I was away in Spain for a whole month. When coming home in May I had gigs. So, I would go along the beach every day, taking the mouthpiece out and playing different nice tunes that I remembered or heard. After a month when I finally could put the moutpiece into the horn again, it sounded good and the range was there.
I had lost a bit of endurance, that was all. If you know that the mouthpiece buzzing is different from the playing, I think you can be fine.
Bud Herseth, Doc Severinsen, Jim Thompson, Håkan Hardenberger etc., etc. buzzed or buzz their mouthpiece.
Arnold Jacobs would have students do mouthpiece buzzing – but he wanted them to play melodies, not just exercises.
Hi Ole.J.Utnes,
So if I understand, we can have benefits to buzz mouthpiece if we already know how to play trumpet effortlessly? Unfortunately I have the feeling that teachers want to begin with buzzing and that it is detrimental for the beginners who is going to clamp is lips and having too much tension?
So I think that, maybe in certain conditions, buzzing is good for the advanced trumpeters but not for the beginners?
What is your opinion?
Kind regards.
I know the lead pipe is not as good a trumpet, but I was thinking the lead pipe would fit while traveling or maybe the big straw that Greg used and is now available in the wind pack. I definitely would take a mouthpiece if I could not have a horn.
I think we agree.
Blowing into a leadpipe, like Greg show us, is much better in the beginning.
Tine Thing Helseth was one example of a player who had a professional teacher from the start. When she now demonstrates mouthpiece playing you can see that she just blow air and when the rim contacts the lips, a nice sound comes out of the her mouthpiece. (It is on YT somewhere)
Arnold Jacobs wanted you to “translate” the “song in your head” into the mouthpiece.
Both he and Herseth had a very good sound when buzzing the mouthpiece. I heard Herseth demonstrate his mouthpiece playing once.
Btw, Jacobs did not like lip buzzing, but he would allow a few of his students, like Gail Williams (horn player in CSO) to do that. On the other hand if you had a rim you could buzz that.
Hi ole,
Thanks for your reply.
I understand what you mean. So, like Greg says in a video, we have to « bluzz » in the mouthpiece and not to buzz. I think it’s a pretty good image to understand the concept and to use this technique, if necessary, at best.
Kind regards!