Mystery to Mastery › Forums › WindWorks › Progress chart labels a tad confusing?
Hi Greg, hope I don’t sound picky here. Am trying to be helpful! I’ve just realised why I’ve been finding the progress charts (in the Largo stage) a bit confusing. It’s to do with how the left hand column has labels like “1 beat”, “2 beat”, “4 beat” etc. I think your intention might be clearer if this was changed to “1 note”, “2 note” etc – because if I understand you correctly, you’re trying to indicate how many notes will be played in that row for a single metronome beat. To talk about “beats” per metronome beat, which is what the current labels imply, seems a bit odd. Not having a shot at you in the least – just trying to help you make this as easy to follow as possible for later students. I’m really enjoying your course!
Hey Peter, totally not offended, thanks for taking the time. I will do a video demo. It’s not notes per row, rather notes per beat and when you progress through the course it turns in to quavers/eighth notes and semiquavers/sixteenth notes. Simply play the exercise as written with the metronome set at the desired speed. I’ll have a look at it, always looking to improve the course.
Many thanks,
Hi Greg, I’m afraid I’m still confused by this.
Right now I’ve got the Adagio stage progress chart in front of me. If we take the first line of the chart, you’re suggesting I need to be able to play the slur with my metronome set at 104 for “1 beat”. Then on the next line you suggest I should be able to play the same slur with my metronome set at 100 for “2 beats”.
I’m not sure if you mean:
(a) For the first line of the chart, treat each written note as a crochet, and for the second line of the chart, treat each written note as a quaver (this was initially what I thought you meant) OR
(b) For the first line, be able to play a whole BAR of quavers with metronome at 104, and for the second line, be able to play two BARS of quavers with metronome set at 100
Of the two options above, (b) sounds more likely, I now realise, but I’m puzzled why you are speaking of “beats” instead of “bars” (for example, in the legends for your progress charts). A similar confusion about “beats” versus “bars” arises in your video for Adagio Long Tones you use the word “beat” where I think most musicians would say “bar” (you say the written exercise in that case lasts “four beats”, but it’s actually written as four bars).
Hey Peter, I am really trying to see things from your angle – I am as confused at what you are saying as you are at me.
I’m going to get my head around it, it want to understand what you are saying as I am sure you won’t be the only having this issue. Merry Xmas.
Stand by…
OK, I have written the exercise to show what length of note I want – crochets, quavers etc. I am not concered about and never mention bars at all. Just stick to the click of the metronome and how many beats you can play. Watch this video again – Cheers, Greg
Hey Peter, watch Adagio Long Tones again and press pause at 1:33 and have a peek in the subtitles 😉 Cheers. Greg
Thanks for both replies, Greg (was any “live” music teacher ever so responsive as this??? pretty damn good of you!). I think I finally get it – and yes, your subtitle in the Adagio Long Tones video certainly corrects the slip of the tongue.
“Phew!” 🙂 All the best.