Mystery to Mastery Forums WindWorks Shape of the aperture

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    • #26450

      Hi Greg,
      When I look at the aperture between lips, it seems to me that the shape varies with the pitch. In size of course, but even in his form. For lower notes the aperture seems more rounded than for upper notes where it appears more fusiform. Is it really the case? What is your experience with that?
      Cheers, Francis.

    • #26461
      Greg Spence

      Hey Francis. I would not get to concerned about how it looks. What you describe sounds totally fine but I am now going to say what will become my new mantra:

      “How does it feel? How does it sound?”

      That is all I am concerned with. The look really doesn’t matter.


    • #26641

      Hi Greg,
      It is not the look that I am looking for but the process. Are my lips doing the right shape. As you said to me, stick to the process and do not fall into the trap of a great sound, that’s will come later.
      So I am just trying different positions, how far to put my lips forwards to make the exercises more easy, more freely. Here is really my question. How far do I have to put my lips forward? Could you make a explanation on that?
      Thanks a lot.
      Cheers, Francis.

    • #26753
      Daniel OLeary

      Francis, Doc Severinsen has a video out concerning what makes for a good embouchure that I found reassuring regards with wether I’m doing this or that wrong or right.
      Keeping in mind the 1% rule , perhaps you might find what Doc has to say about the situation reassuring as well. Check it out .

      ” Doc Severinsen on Embouchure”

      love the little Bugle call at the end. 🎺🃏
      Cheers, Daniel

    • #26756

      Hi Daniel,
      Thank you for your help, it’s very kind of you.
      I’m going to watch these videos and try not to hurry up and try to apply the 1% rule effectively.
      In any case since I’m on WindWorks, I think that I have progressed and that I am more advised to play the trumpet with ease.
      Cheers, Francis.

    • #26786
      Greg Spence

      Hey guys, this might also help.

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