luis.e.aguilar1 replied to the topic Can’t stop Lip buzzing in the forum WindWorks 5 years, 5 months ago
Hi rwcarson11,
Thanks for your comments!
After having started with windworks, I evaluate my own playing by my sound and sense of relaxation. My sound is terrible at the moment, haha! Forced, small, nassle, and not relaxed. I used to play with a rolled in embouchure which helped me get some high notes but I was working way to hard.
Of course,…[Read more]
luis.e.aguilar1 replied to the topic Can’t stop Lip buzzing in the forum WindWorks 5 years, 5 months ago
Here’s another question… Perhaps Im still overblowing? just how little air do we need to make a round sound??
luis.e.aguilar1 started the topic Can’t stop Lip buzzing in the forum WindWorks 5 years, 5 months ago
Dear all,
Ill keep my post short. I don’t feel a sense of freedom, even at low C, because I can’t manage to stop buzzing my lips together. I have fuller lips. When I play soft and definitely not overblowing my lips buzz together. Even when doing the aahoo… I check by pulling out the mp. Also, when I try to play by release more air, the buz…[Read more]
luis.e.aguilar1 replied to the topic Mouthpiece size and mmmahhhwhoo! in the forum WindWorks 5 years, 6 months ago
Thanks for the message folks! Johnelwood! Turns out that your message really saved me. Believe it or not, yesterday I was really thinking about quitting. I was tired of fighting the trumpet. I was gonna send an email directly to Greg to see if I should quit or not. However, I had to go to work (dishwasher) and was in a panic trying (as a last…[Read more]
luis.e.aguilar1 replied to the topic Mouthpiece size and mmmahhhwhoo! in the forum WindWorks 5 years, 7 months ago
Hi there, to continue on this thread. I do the mmmahhooo with the visualiser and I am completely relaxed. I then proceed with the mouthpiece and am totally relaxed but the mouthpiece (mp) completely sits on the red of the lips. I have fuller lips, and even more now since I do the mmmaaahooo. I even bought a Denis Wick 1X (18mm) so that I could fit…[Read more]
luis.e.aguilar1 replied to the topic Overblowing and sympathetic lips in the forum WindWorks 5 years, 8 months ago
Johnelwood, thanks for your comments and suggestions. Your paragraph, particularly on maggio, explains really well what I experienced yesterday and today. I have never studied Maggio but I’ve seen the monkey image. Basically, I understood, through experimenting, I greatly underestimated the required firmness of my aperture corners. You mention a…[Read more]
luis.e.aguilar1 started the topic Overblowing and sympathetic lips in the forum WindWorks 5 years, 8 months ago
My friends Im back with another question. It’s about overblowing. Since my last post… for about a week I was making great improvements until I realised that overblowing sneaked and creeped back into my playing. Perhaps I lost focus. So I’m starting again but really focusing on not kicking and not overblowing and staying completely relaxed (li…[Read more]
luis.e.aguilar1 replied to the topic Sensation of Relaxed lips in the forum WindWorks 5 years, 8 months ago
I guess my next step, after realising of overblowing, is to make sure my lips don’t clamp due to less air?
luis.e.aguilar1 replied to the topic Sensation of Relaxed lips in the forum WindWorks 5 years, 8 months ago
Thank you guys for your comments. I think I have identified my root problem/ inefficiency. I believe I have been overblowing since the day I started playing. I think I have always put too much air through the trumpet which has always caused my tone quality to dampen. I have been working way too hard and not having enough fun. I just realised this…[Read more]
luis.e.aguilar1 started the topic Sensation of Relaxed lips in the forum WindWorks 5 years, 8 months ago
Dear trumpet players,
I believe I am really confused about the feeling of relaxed lips. I don’t think I know what that feels like! I know its an odd topic but what sensation should I aim for? Can anyone explain a little as to what relaxed lips should “feel” like?
I believe I now do the bodys concert hall with relative success (open throa…[Read more]
luis.e.aguilar1 replied to the topic Feel lips vibrate in the forum WindWorks 5 years, 10 months ago
Dear Greg thanks for your response and for Windworks! You’re an excellent teacher and trumpet player!
I definitely try not to control but only observe the feeling of my lips vibrate as the wind passes. Do you feel the same sensation? I believe this feeling allows me to sense where the wind is going. At the beginning of the course I felt like to…[Read more]
luis.e.aguilar1 started the topic Feel lips vibrate in the forum WindWorks 5 years, 10 months ago
Dear Greg and fellow trumpet players:
Not too long ago I read something about {feeling lips vibrate while playing}. I started to concentrate on this feeling and have noticed that when I concentrate on the feeling of how my lips vibrate when playing, especially when I ascend, the vibrating surface changes. I feel like every note has a different…[Read more]
luis.e.aguilar1 started the topic Lips outside mouthpiece in the forum WindWorks 5 years, 11 months ago
Hello fellow trumpeters,
I have thick lips and especially when doing the AAAAHOOOO most of my lips are outside the visualiser and the mouthpiece (mp). I have read countless times that the red of the lips should remain inside the mp. I recently bought a Denis Wick 17.50mm (a large mp) to replace my 3C yet my lips remain outside. Should I try to…[Read more]
luis.e.aguilar1 replied to the topic Keeping teeth apart in the forum WindWorks 5 years, 12 months ago
I was wondering about a similar situation. Perhaps there is an exercise which helps keep the jaw open? To ensure a round sound when ascending. It would be interesting to get some input on this topic! Thanks