Mystery to Mastery Forums WindWorks Keeping teeth apart

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    • #7151

      My biggest single problem at the moment is that I’m not keeping my teeth apart as I ascend, and that restricts the air flow. No matter how hard I try and how much I concentrate, I simply cannot keep my jaw down. Can anyone suggest a way of getting into the habit of keeping my teeth apart? I would be really grateful for some help, because I think it would make a huge difference if I could do this. Thank you!

    • #9533

      I was wondering about a similar situation. Perhaps there is an exercise which helps keep the jaw open? To ensure a round sound when ascending. It would be interesting to get some input on this topic! Thanks

    • #10531

      I want to put this thread back at the top, because I am curious about other comments.

    • #11329

      I’ve been experimenting with breathing while holding a piece of gum or hard candy balanced on the tongue and not touching the palate. These cannot be backswing breaths due to the risk of aspiration, but rather just slow inhalation and exhalation to get the feeling of openness. Take out the candy/gum for a backswing breath for safety. Like you, I struggle with constricting the oral cavity which obstructs the airflow. Other ideas?

    • #11342

      Not sure if this will help, but if you lightly grip a large diameter paper straw (say 5mm- 7mm) between the teeth in the centre of your embouchure, do the ahh ooh, then release the breath through the straw – close the eyes, and that should give you a good idea of where the jaw needs to be while playing. I’ve also seen this done with a pencil, but I’m betting Greg doesn’t want you blowing against a sealed embouchure as that could promote tightness elsewhere.

    • #11343

      One more thing – large interval studies might also help train you to do this. The first exercise from Arban pg. 125 is a good place to start – nice easy range and key to start you off but you will have to perform intervals of up to 1.5 octaves (with no kicking!). Play it all slurred to start off with and nice and slow.

    • #11369

      The straw or maybe even the leadpipe itself sounds like a smarter option than my gum/candy idea. Thanks!

    • #11493
      Greg Spence

      Hi guys, I will discuss this very important topic in 45mins when our Q+A starts on FaceBook LIVE. Join the group here:

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