tandeitnik replied to the topic Trouble reading sheet music for the trumpet in the forum WindWorks 4 years, 7 months ago
Thanks a lot! Your answer really helped me. I knew that the names of the pitches of the trumpet are a whole step up, but I was never taught how to transpose from one key to another for the trumpet (why F major goes to a G major, no idea).
You said that my software correctly transposed to the right key, but
The software however did not change the…
tandeitnik replied to the topic Trouble reading sheet music for the trumpet in the forum WindWorks 4 years, 7 months ago
Wait, since the above score is written for the trumpet, shouldn’t the first note be an F (1 or XOO fingering)?
tandeitnik started the topic Trouble reading sheet music for the trumpet in the forum WindWorks 4 years, 7 months ago
I still have some trouble reading sheet music for the trumpet, this “concert pitch” still confuses me a lot. I recently bought my first book with some scores and I started by this one:
The book is called “Big Book of Disney Songs” and it’s made for trumpet. So I thought that since it was made for the trumpet I don’t need to to any…[Read more]
tandeitnik replied to the topic I'm I doing F# right? (Largo C# Singing C) in the forum WindWorks 4 years, 7 months ago
Ivanessa, if you play the first five notes in order, C-D-E-F-G, and pay attention to your lips you’ll notice that the aperture they make gets smaller as you ascend. If you’re using a tuner to check if you are centered at the right pitch (attention, the trumpet is to concert pitch, if you don’t know what is concert pitch, google it) you’ll also…[Read more]
tandeitnik replied to the topic I'm I doing F# right? (Largo C# Singing C) in the forum WindWorks 4 years, 8 months ago
I had some personal problems and had to stop practicing for about a month, but I’m back and I have a practice session of at least 30 min every day.
What I really want to say in response to what you wrote is that I think the beginning of the course is a little mixed up. What I mean is, it looks like Greg wanted to make this 7-day free trial…[Read more]
tandeitnik replied to the topic Valve getting stuck on the way up in the forum WindWorks 4 years, 9 months ago
This is the guy on YT that recommends using an elastic, he’s a Brazilian trumpet teacher:
You can see the elastic in this photo.
tandeitnik replied to the topic Valve getting stuck on the way up in the forum WindWorks 4 years, 9 months ago
I just ended my practice session and, hooray! The valves didn’t get stuck, not even once. I don’t know what did the trick, because I’ve made a lot of changes since yesterday’s practice session. This is what I did:
1) Following a video, I spread some oil through the holes at the bottom of the valve casings
2) I dismantled the valves and made the…[Read more]
tandeitnik replied to the topic Valve getting stuck on the way up in the forum WindWorks 4 years, 9 months ago
Maybe there’s too much oil? Or there was some old oil from the time it was sitting in the shop’s inventory and it became sticky? Or maybe I’m doing some horizontal push when pressing the valves.
I think the first thing I can do is to clean it thoroughly, get all the oil of the valves and the casings (with warm water and soap), and re-apply oil.…[Read more]
tandeitnik replied to the topic Valve getting stuck on the way up in the forum WindWorks 4 years, 9 months ago
Thanks, I will try to contact Yamaha! Also I’ll oil in the beginning of my practice lesson today.
tandeitnik replied to the topic Valve getting stuck on the way up in the forum WindWorks 4 years, 9 months ago
Too much time has passed, I can’t return the trumpet anymore. I was reading about sticky valves, I think my best option is to do a real good cleaning inside the valve casing using a toothbrush and toothpaste. Has anyone here tried it?
tandeitnik started the topic Valve getting stuck on the way up in the forum WindWorks 4 years, 9 months ago
I bought my trumpet brand new, like 2 months ago, it’s a Yamaha YTR2330. Since the first day, I notice that the valves often get stuck on the way up after I pressed them and played a note on the trumpet. First I thought it was lack of lubricant, so I always oil them after my practice sessions (with valve oil that came with the trumpet, it’s called…[Read more]
tandeitnik replied to the topic unfortunately a warning in the forum WindWorks 4 years, 9 months ago
ah, you can learn instruments without a private teacher! I learned piano and harmonica all by myself, using online videos.
tandeitnik replied to the topic unfortunately a warning in the forum WindWorks 4 years, 9 months ago
Man, I think you just misunderstood what Greg taught, especially the firsts videos of the course. I’m a beginner, bought my trumpet less than 2 months ago, and WindWorks is doing a great service to me. In the beginning, I tried to learn through YouTube videos and had two private lessons with a teacher. It was not a great experience, all the videos…[Read more]
tandeitnik replied to the topic The Physics of "you don't need to blow harder" in the forum WindWorks 4 years, 9 months ago
About volume, speaking thinking about the physics side, it’s not about how much open is the aperture. As I said, the diameter of the opening will determine the pressure, so it determines the pitch. Volume probably is connected with the intensity (power, energy per second) of the flow, and this is related to the flow rate. The flow rate is probably…[Read more]
tandeitnik replied to the topic The Physics of "you don't need to blow harder" in the forum WindWorks 4 years, 9 months ago
About resonance: the trumpet is an open tube system with characteristic modes of vibration that it naturally ‘likes’ to vibrate. These characteristic modes are determined by the characteristics of the trumpet, especially the length of the tubing. For example, in open position, every trumpet player know that the characteristic modes are…[Read more]
tandeitnik started the topic The Physics of "you don't need to blow harder" in the forum WindWorks 4 years, 10 months ago
I’m a physicist, currently doing my masters, so I was curious about the physical explanation behind the Singing C exercises of the largo modulo. Greg teaches that there’s enough energy in the sympathetic C to play high notes and says that to play high notes is not about blowing harder, or blowing faster, as many people say, but it’s all…[Read more]
tandeitnik replied to the topic I'm I doing F# right? (Largo C# Singing C) in the forum WindWorks 4 years, 10 months ago
An update: I’m doing it!!! Your tips helped me a lot! I can now slur from C to G 90% of the time, without body engagement, only change of the shape of my face (and I’m not rolling my bottom lip). What helped me a lot was this image from a quiz:
After I saw it 30 min ago and copied it everything changed for the better!
tandeitnik replied to the topic I'm I doing F# right? (Largo C# Singing C) in the forum WindWorks 4 years, 10 months ago
Hi, thanks a lot for the answers!! They were great! Yeah, I was forcing, blowing downwards, because I was rolling my bottom lip. About this quote:
One thing you could try would be doing some chromatic scales from C# to F# followed by some harmonic slurs and observing how the lips move ever so slightly each half step. Or you could try doing…
tandeitnik started the topic I'm I doing F# right? (Largo C# Singing C) in the forum WindWorks 4 years, 10 months ago
I’m a beginner player, bought the trumpet 1 month ago, so I’m approaching everything here with a beginner’s eyes, without prejudice. I think I’m doing alright, I’m playing C and C# sympathetically, without forcing my abdomen muscles, but I’m not sure I’m doing the F# right because there’s very little explanation about the change of shape…[Read more]