Mystery to Mastery Forums WindWorks The M to M website is confusing Reply To: The M to M website is confusing


Hi John,

Thanks a lot for taking the time to kindly answer my question. I had seen that there are around 170 videos on Youtube and I have also watched some of them. Currently I am not sure if I should go through more of them rather than the videos here to try to puzzle all the glimpses on different aspects together. I believe you that someone familiar with the ‘vernacular’, as you put it, finds all the cross-references helpful, but right now it feels a little overwhelming. I had hoped that there would be some kind of basic and more linear introduction instead of having to jump around between hundreds of videos looking things up.

Your link to the course overview will certainly be helpful to find things faster, thank you! Even if the titles do not really tell me much about the what I might expect in the the content.


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