Mystery to Mastery Forums WindWorks The M to M website is confusing

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    • #40925

      Greg et al:
      I’ve been watching your videos and trying some of your ideas for several months. I found them helpful to my comeback trumpet playing adventure, but when I decided to sign up for the free Largo trial, I was put off by how difficult it was to get a concise explanation of the ENTIRE M to M plan. For instance, I was watching some videos and about to sign up, but was confronted with “Have you signed up for the Foundation Level yet?. I could find no explanation anywhere on the site explaining what Foundation was and how it was different from Largo. I found lots of endorsements, but no clear explanation of the entire m to m course (Except how much each level would cost). I was confused and somewhat suspicious at that point and didn’t sign up.

      This week, after watching some of your more recent videos, I am very impressed by the way the lessons are layed out, am making good progress, and will sign up for more.

      Since I have been on the website a lot this week, I have found, at the VERY BOTTOM of the webpage, a link called Windworks Pricing that gives a fine presentation of how the entire program works. You should place that information in a much more prominent position. I’d have signed up 3 months ago if i could have found that.

      Don’t misunderstand me, I am very impressed and pleased with your program, your research and your earnestness. It’s just that your website need reorganization — more straightforward information and a bit less huxtering.


    • #41090

      I have four the website pretty confusing too. I’ve been struggling with the levels and the explanations and at times I wish there was a clear practice routine and some of the stuff was more concisely explained in a format that just reminded me to focus on a couple of things at once. I feel like once I’ve accepted the longer explanation, it doesn’t always serve a clear purpose to go back over it.
      I’ve also been trying diligently not to run ahead, but having reached adagio, there were some exercises that really clarified things for me and changed my playing. I guess that’s teaching at any level really…

    • #41093
      Greg Spence

      Hi guys, I really appreciate this feedback. I totally, absolutely and utterly agree with what you have written here and I am in the process of fixing it.

      Given I am so “inside” the system creating content, it is very tough to get an external perspective so I can’t say enough how much I appreciate you taking the time to write this down.

      As far as an individual routine goes, it is quite difficult to structure as everyone has different issues and are at different places with their playing. This is where an understanding of the concepts and a deep recognition of internal function becomes so important.

      I am actually editing videos at the moment to address these issues in the Largo trial email drip.

      I do also get the confusion at the site about what is MTM and what is WindWorks. I will endeavour to make this a whole lot more concise.

      Again, many thanks for taking the time to write.

      Best Wishes,

    • #41181

      Ah! I’m so pleased you won’t kick me out Greg! M2M is the best thing that has happened to me since starting to play trumpet.

      I guess to clarify my thoughts a little, I wonder whether there could be a quick summary video per stage – like a warm-up routine. Atm if I want to recap the basics and re-program, I kind of go back over each video in the largo stage and try to remember what you said and follow along.
      I do also feel like such a clear level video of the key concepts for each stage, maybe as a warm-up, would help differentiate the levels too.
      For me atm I find I’m going through the basics, making some gains and then hitting a bit of a wall where I fall back into an old pattern or where the old body memory takes over. At those times (about every 2-3 weeks) I realise I need to go back and look at the key ideas and remind myself of them and drill them again. (One of the members here advised that I watch mouthpiece revisited again, and that has certainly been helpful)… I just feel like some of those key steps could be more distilled.
      But maybe they can’t and I just need to keep listening to you sing “Oh when the saints go marching in” again… 😉
      Anyway. I hope I am making progress. Some days it feels like I am, some days not, especially when I can’t take higher notes as a mark of my achievement… 🙂

      Haha, as I said, I need the feedback and there is no “kicking you out”.

      We are working on a course outline to be added and I will take on board everything you have said.

      I want this to be the best learning resource available and I can only do that with your help.

      Going back is essential. As you develop, more and more stealthy gremlins will appear and then you can eliminate them. Your awareness will be improving and your efficiency will be improving. This opens the door to further expansion in the future.

      Stick with it and thanks again for your honest appraisal and for being a valued WindWorks member.


    • #41285

      Glad to hear you’re taking my comments in the spirit they were meant. I figure you’ve got a lot of balls in the air on this project and if no one points flaws that might discourage others to sign up, you might not notice them.
      Also, thanks for not kicking me out either.
      Greg Coughlan

      Thanks Greg, as I said, I need to be told and really appreciate it. It’s a real tough gig trying to get people to understand what the hell I am on about and I know some look at me as being completely nuts. Getting the message across as concisely as possible is my aim but I can miss the mark at times. Anyhow, the journey continues. Cheers.”

    • #50612

      Hi Greg,

      while I really like your approach and think that I could profit from your method, the website and the structure of the content feel quite intransparent to me.

      As someone who starts at the beginning of the course and who is not familiar with your naming (e.g. Body Concert Hall, a-ooh), you keep refering in your videos all the time to concepts and exercises that have not been properly introduced and explained yet. This leaves me confused on if I should include these hints in my exercises even if no one has explained to me how to do them properly, what things to avoid etc. It sometimes feels as if a lot of your videos address only viewers who have been familiar with your teaching for years and who already know all your names for the concepts. Also I feel that at least the beginner videos could profit from focusing more on single topics.

      Is there a summary somewhere which topics are addressed in the different stages of your course?


    • #50666

      Hi Thomas,

      I’m sure Greg will respond but I thought of the following link which may be helpful to you:

      WindWorks Course Overview

      It is an overview of the course and you can probably scan it for the most common concepts (Body Concert Hall “BCH”, MmmWWwwAaaaOooohh, Point of Difference, Coffee Moment, etc.).

      In the beginning, it may seem a little daunting but in my opinion it helps in the long run when he uses that consistent vernacular throughout the course as one becomes familiar with / comfortable with those concepts then they sort of serve as anchors when he mentions them again further on in the course. At least that’s my opinion.

      I hope that helps you on your journey.

      I started mine just over 2 years ago and have found WindWorks to be a very helpful guide on my journey. Most recently, I feel like I have come into a whole new level of understanding about how to play / how the instrument works and it seems as though the concepts outlined here tie-in to many other concepts I have seen elsewhere. Playing can be remarkably easy and effortless if we do not fight the horn and try to blow through it, but instead cooperate with it and find the optimal balance of our Air and the Shape/formation of our lips–keeping the top lip relaxed (downstream players) with the only tension in the aperture corners (sides of mouthpiece) and perhaps bottom lip/chin/jaw.


      • #50668

        Also, Greg has a lot of free videos on YouTube that I have found very helpful and I’ve listened to those on my commute into the office, etc. I believe those cover most of the vernacular you inquired about. I recommend watching and/or listening to those videos away from the horn often so that you are building your understanding away from the horn, not just when you are practicing. Eventually, it all ties into our actions through our structured experimentation.

    • #50673

      Hi John,

      Thanks a lot for taking the time to kindly answer my question. I had seen that there are around 170 videos on Youtube and I have also watched some of them. Currently I am not sure if I should go through more of them rather than the videos here to try to puzzle all the glimpses on different aspects together. I believe you that someone familiar with the ‘vernacular’, as you put it, finds all the cross-references helpful, but right now it feels a little overwhelming. I had hoped that there would be some kind of basic and more linear introduction instead of having to jump around between hundreds of videos looking things up.

      Your link to the course overview will certainly be helpful to find things faster, thank you! Even if the titles do not really tell me much about the what I might expect in the the content.


    • #50710
      Greg Spence

      Hey guys, we are undertaking changes at the moment and all of the comments above are definitely taken into consideration.

      Thanks to John Elwood for his helpful replies!!!

      @thommitsch If you work through the WindWorks course, all of the concepts are laid out and explained in order. It might be worth making notes in the comments box at the bottom of the page. I understand there is a LOT of information. I always aim to make everything as concise as possible but I will keep working at it. PLEASE let me know what in particular you are having problems with.

      I will endeavour to put a concise description of each lesson on the course outline.

      If you have seen a later video where I refer to particular concepts, don’t panic they are all concisely explained as you work through. Part of the reason for the course is over the years people said there was no order to my videos, and they were exactly right. WindWorks hopefully addresses that.

      This is an open invitation to please contact and let me know of particular issues so I can address them.

      Very best wishes to all!


    • #50748

      Hi Greg,

      Thanks for your reply! I appreciate your continuous work to improve the course and the website! I will just proceed with the curriculum and hope for things to clear up more in the next videos. If I encounter any particular issues, I will let you know.

      Looking forward to the first results!

    • #50816

      I’m following “Positive Trumpeters Worldwide” on FB. Almost every day there are all sorts of “teaching” methods, tips & tricks, live stream….both from self learned people and from professors…
      I think I remember that Greg mentioned in the introduction phase, that there are tons of books and various methods – and his comments surely are correct.

      I miss the MtoM in the web noise.
      Can we assume that Greg is making a special edition during the covid lock down????

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