Mystery to Mastery Forums WindWorks Tongue lock – Throat lock

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    • #153263
      Ivo Carrabs

      Hi Guys, anybody else feels when you lock the air stream with the tongue there is an inmeadiate reaction thats want to transfer that lock into the throat? So I have to conciously remind myself and my body that the tongue controls the pressure and not the throat? Because when the throat controls the pressure then there is valsalva maneuvre and constriction in the body (I also experiment constriction in my rectus)

    • #153345

      Hey Ivo,

      The good thing is you are noticing it. That’s a great start. I had a similar experience. Every time I practice, and sometimes when going about my day, I have small insights. I practice the concert hall breath daily and in between exercises.

      When I practice, and the mouthpiece touches my lips, I still activate the throat and stomach muscles. But I catch myself, take a concert hall breath and remain conscious of my relaxed throat and stomach muscles.

      I’ve been using this method for a few weeks and am still learning a lot about my playing habits.

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