bo.lundquist changed their profile picture 3 years ago
bo.lundquist started the topic Combine Trumpet vs. T-bone in the forum WindWorks 3 years ago
Hello Greg, and everyone who plays both trumpet and trombone
Trumpet is my No.1 in the Big band, but I’m starting up a small T-bone career in a church brass band.
I don’t have any major problems playing the T-bone, but it seems that the high register on the trumpet suffer. When practicing in my basement, I try to play trumpet for 10-15 min…[Read more]
bo.lundquist replied to the topic Keeping the Centre of the Lips Loose in the forum WindWorks 3 years, 9 months ago
Hi John
Thanks’ for your valuable comments and suggestion for a better practicing.
Yes, my granddaughter keeps playing. Still it´s most fun and not to heavy practicing. After one year she still enjoys to meet with me once a week to play. (I try to encourage her on the phone to do some minutes every day in her home with her mum, but it´s not eas…[Read more]
bo.lundquist replied to the topic Keeping the Centre of the Lips Loose in the forum WindWorks 3 years, 9 months ago
Hi John
Sorry for my bad English. As you understand I meant above the staff (i.e. A and Bb just below High C). You might be right about the smiling; I have to check this deeper.
It’s good to hear that not only myself push more flesh into the MPC when going up in the register, and the lowering of the jaw might not be a totally bad thing.
You f…[Read more]
bo.lundquist replied to the topic Keeping the Centre of the Lips Loose in the forum WindWorks 3 years, 10 months ago
I have similar thoughts about tension in the lips (around the black hole / aperture corners).
1. I take a full breath and then let the ribcage do the air pressure without extra tension (air coming all the way from the “bottom” with no extra muscle tension)
2. I have the mouthpiece in the standard position with the aperture opening set for a “G”…[Read more]
bo.lundquist replied to the topic Has anyone tried the Stratos trainer? in the forum WindWorks 3 years, 10 months ago
Yes, the support rest against the chin, but instinctively the chin/lower jaw will push forward to maintain the “normal” set up. It´s important to not relax and let it go backwards. Keep the upper and lower teeth in line, but apart of course.
Previously I had terrible problems with too much pressure on my top lip. I have built a similar devi…[Read more]
bo.lundquist replied to the topic Has anyone tried the Stratos trainer? in the forum WindWorks 3 years, 10 months ago
I do also understand that this tool must be used with caution (Windworks philosophy)
It has helped me to find a better position of my jaw. I use it with a separate leadpipe during 5 minutes warm up in the morning. After that I use it 5-10 minutes placed on the trumpet. After this warm up, I play on the trumpet without any extra gear during the…[Read more]
bo.lundquist started the topic Has anyone tried the Stratos trainer? in the forum WindWorks 3 years, 10 months ago
Hi! I have seen the Stratos web site and also numerous clips and discussions about the Stratos embouchure trainer. A small tool that you attach to the mouthpiece or the leadpipe just in front of your chin. The chin-rest makes the mouthpiece harder to reach for your lips, which reduce the pressure.
I have a similar selfmade tool which I use during…[Read more]
bo.lundquist replied to the topic Long tones for warming up and hitting bulls eye in the forum WindWorks 3 years, 11 months ago
I had some problems with the downloading as well. It seems that the website is not always functioning very well, so Walter sent me the files another way.
Yes be careful and do not overdo it. I started the first week with 20 minutes long tones in the morning, plus som practising in the late afternoon, and ended up with another 20 minutes long…[Read more]
bo.lundquist started the topic Long tones for warming up and hitting bulls eye in the forum WindWorks 3 years, 11 months ago
During all my “trumpet playing life” I have played with a focus on the “bulls eye”. To play in tune has almost become an obsession, which sometimes make me to hesitate and close down when I feel that I will not deliver the coming notes. When I hear other musicians don’t care about their finetuning, I almost get sores in the ears.
However…[Read more]
bo.lundquist replied to the topic Tuner Reccomendations in the forum WindWorks 3 years, 11 months ago
I would definitely recommend you to use a small specially developed brass tuner that you attach directly to your instrument with the clips(on the trumpet just in front of your eyes on the bell). Look for the KORG AW-LT100T. Small and discrete. Choose various frequency and fast or slower response.
bo.lundquist replied to the topic Maybe I'll Save You Some Time in the forum WindWorks 4 years ago
Very well thought out and written.
Wishing all of you peace and blessings for the new year 2021
bo.lundquist replied to the topic Pedal Tones in the forum WindWorks 4 years, 6 months ago
Every day after blowing the leadpipe and making slurring on the instrument between Eb up to C. I go downstairs from C to pedal C and than as low as i can, usually down to G# below the pedal C, and sometimes down to F. This routine loosen up all tensions. I do it frequently also after playing in the high register for a long time. I try to not…[Read more]
bo.lundquist replied to the topic The M to M website is confusing in the forum WindWorks 4 years, 8 months ago
I’m following “Positive Trumpeters Worldwide” on FB. Almost every day there are all sorts of “teaching” methods, tips & tricks, live stream….both from self learned people and from professors…
I think I remember that Greg mentioned in the introduction phase, that there are tons of books and various methods – and his comments surely are…[Read more]
bo.lundquist replied to the topic Pressure in the forum WindWorks 4 years, 9 months ago
I try to minimize my MP pressure according to MtM guidelines. However, after one year with the new technique, I have lowered my highest range, from F above the staff down to a D above the staff. My high Bb is a piece of cake when using minimal pressure and as much tension I can produce from the corners. I struggle to not let my lower lip go under…[Read more]
bo.lundquist replied to the topic Pressure in the forum WindWorks 4 years, 9 months ago
Hi. Thanks for the two nice videos. To different styles, but both played with elegance. The tone of the Albinoni piccola is perfect. I struggle with my own piccola and there is no success…. I jump between B-trumpet, Flugelhorn and Cornet with no big problems, but the piccola is different. Probably I’m one of the “pressure” guys, and that’s the…[Read more]
bo.lundquist replied to the topic Pressure in the forum WindWorks 4 years, 9 months ago
Here is the link to the Youtube concert.
bo.lundquist started the topic Pressure in the forum WindWorks 4 years, 9 months ago
I watched a very good concert on YouTube last weekend. Chris Botti at the Java jazz festival. Now is the time to hide for the Corona, and spend time watching concerts at home and do some practicing of the MtM method.
Chris Botti is a favorite and I love his tone, feeling and timing. What surprise me is his posture when playing and also his…[Read more]
bo.lundquist started the topic Frequency of tinnitus tone in the forum WindWorks 4 years, 10 months ago
Maybe someone will smila at this post….as it might a bit odd.
From time to time I get a high sound in my ear. Probably a tinnitus-light sound. It starts suddenly and stay for about half a minute. It’s usually the “same tone”, so I checked by whistling the tone I hear close to my chromatic auto-tuner. It is a middle “A”. What disturbs me is…[Read more]
bo.lundquist started the topic Leadpipe exercise. Any comments on this routine? in the forum WindWorks 4 years, 11 months ago