Mystery to Mastery Forums WindWorks How much lips in the mouthpiece?

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    • #7546

      Hi Greg and everybody!

      I just started the course and I’m really enjoying it, I’m doing the breathing exercises and I’m playing the lead pipe regularly, sometimes following your instructions and sometimes putting some music in the background and just following the flow and it’s very cool!
      I have noticed that putting more lips inside the mouthpiece there more chances that the lead pipe sounds and that the sound is more full and intense… well being a new joiner I’m not sure I’m doing the right thing so I’d like to ask you some further advice on this topic. Thanks in advance and still congratulation for the website and the book!!

    • #7570

      I found that using the oooh kind of pooched my lips a little (my own unique description Im sure. When I just place the MP onto the lip as it was formed on oooh and not changing anything before release then more of the soft part (pinker – area that usually doesn’t show when lips pressed together) of my lip was inside the cup (not touching the cup of course). The sound instantly became fuller and as long as I used good air was absolutely clear. I usually do Clarke 2 for 2 – 15 minutes sessions doing different stuff with accents tongue slurs and Im usually a little tired after a good 15 minutes. I can now do 30 minutes and feel good with a tingle in the lip. I thought about why it made such a difference and realized I has quit trying to flex the are under the MP (no muscle in the vibrating part) and was actually feeling the corners. I sure haven’t developed great range in my 3 months here, but the sound and ease are getting noteworthy.

    • #7573

      Thanks for sharing your experience! I’m still looking for my balance, I see sometimes some inprovments and sometimes no. I will keep doing the exercises and exploring diiferent shapes playing the lead pipe as well. I miss playing fully the trumpet though but I wanna still wait as I don’t want to come back to the old bad habits when I was struggling more than playing. Cheers!

    • #7587

      I may be wrong and hope to be corrected if I am, but I don’t think too much playing on the leadpipe alone is intended. Some exercises yes, warmup yes but not to be exclusive. How can you know if what you think you are accomplishing translates thru the horn. It takes a pretty good ear to get little things thru the pipe. If you are just playing the leadpipe exclusively I would ask Greg about this, I just don’t see it being productive for less than a very advanced player and then judiciously. You have to get to the feeling of just the leadpipe and then try to replicate that with the horn attached. You have to compare and listen critically to learn from your sound IME. Sorry for the suggestion if this isn’t what your are doing.

    • #7603

      No thanks for the suggestion! I started palying the trumpet since about a couple of years ( before <i was playng the guitar) and I have never had any lessons, I studied some methods by myself but I have always reached a point in which I was feeling that I was stressing too much on the horn and i couldn’t keep going… Now I’m starting again from the beggining and <i really scared to get the bad habits again. But actually you are right without comparing with the normal palying on the trumpet there is no point!! Still thanks !!

    • #7945
      Greg Spence

      Hi Giuseppe, thanks for being part of WindWorks. Really watch the videos closely and be sure you are copying the process. As Rod pointed out, and I totally agree, you need to be transferring your new skills to the trumpet and to observe what is happening. In the search for a beautiful tone, you may begin to manipulate a little and that is OK because you are aware of this manipulation “The Point of Difference”. Keep comparing the sensation of humming, playing leadpipe and playing trumpet. Your aim is to play with the best sound, as easily is possible. Work through the exercises daily firstly focusing on process and then focus on the great sound you want to make. All the best, Greg.

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