Mystery to Mastery Forums WindWorks I lost a lot a endurance

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    • #7324

      Hello 🙂

      this is my problem :
      //I am aspiring to become professional maybe even soloist.

      //I decided to go fully into the process because even tho I can play high notes up to high E and have a good sound and technique, I can feel I am using to much force and if I want to go to the top I need to be more natural

      during my practice I don’t practice high notes anymore because I still use to much pushing.

      THE CONSEQUENCE is now when I practice concertos (I have to practice Jolivet concertino and other demanding pieces) when I go to high register I don’t push the belly in forcefully, and so I end up pushing my trumpet on my lips , (Greg said not to think about technique whan playing music) I am trying to do that, but the habit of the forced pushed is now disabled in my system. my SOUND is much better, but now I get tired very fast when playing over G (just under highC)

      1-Should I force push with belly
      2-or should I keep doing what I am doing?
      3-or should I stop playing Jolivet and focus on more easy stuff.

      I trust you GREG so I will keep practicing this AND especially the singing series but if my teacher notice in september that I can’t play concertos anymore he is going to be pissed off ^^

      Thank you every one for you answers/advices 🙂

      P.S. this is what I mean going fully into the process (one day)
      -past week I played book 1 every morning (50min)
      last few days I added book 2 , played half of it until I hit my progress point. (30)

      -then the flow studies
      -then around 1h30 of finger techniques (clarke, pierre thibaud…) keeping in mind everything from M2M

      -around 2h of concertos/studies.

    • #7330

      Good for you doing this early in your career. I truly wish I had learned this way or at least found the info before I had so many ugly habits👹

      You sound like you are fairly new to his stuff. It is a different approach but one that I find lads you to discovery’s that hav to be mad before progress can b made. I’ve been using his stuff for about 8 months and he windworks for about 2 months, and I just learned why the aaaaahoooo is so important. It sets up the correct appetite to free the area at the cup to vibrate and resonate with your air (I did a post so I won’t elaborate). My point is that it takes me some time and deep immersion to really get benefit. Hope you are a lot quicker than me! 🤯

    • #7331

      Sorry about the autocorrects I didn’t catch above

    • #7345

      Than you for your answer, you are right I probably need to spend more time doing it and being more patient…

      I got M2M book 1 around 4 years ago but never really practiced it (my body was way to tensed physically for it) BUT NOW IS THE TIME.

    • #7346

      Something else I am noticing, is loss of air threw the aperture corners
      is this normal?

    • #7706

      UPDATE : after 2 more weeks of daily practice.

      After understanding passive breathing and it’s potential, and practicing singing series for 1h first thing in the morning. (instead of book 1 and 2)

      I can play up to G above staff with almost no effort . (prior to this I could go to the F but it was forced and never G)

      What is strange is that at the same time I am still stuck in the middle of the Allegro Singing series…

      ANYWAY It’s being great and I am going to continue this process.

      My endurance now is better than ever before.
      (I forget everything of singing series when I transition to my technique practice
      I use FLOW STUDIES BY CICOVITCH To transition to my normal playing.)

    • #7880
      Greg Spence

      Hi guys, thank you for such a refreshing and wonderfully honest thread. This is exactly the reason we set up the forum. Gabriel you sound like you are on the right path for sure. Best Wishes, Greg

    • #7921

      Thank you for the support Greg !

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