Mystery to Mastery Forums WindWorks Piccolo trumpet -tips&tricks

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    • #32261

      I have problems with the range on my piccolo trumpet. Hardly any higher notes than on the B trumpet. Probably I’m pushing too much and there might be too much air. Are there any good advice from anyone ??
      Will Greg demonstrate in the #wihsc as promised?

    • #32412

      Hello Bo, funny thing about piccolo trumpets is that it’s actually easier to play high notes on a longer tube… so why make piccs? sound timbre is my guess. it’s a very different instrument than a Bb trumpet. So yes your initial idea that you are pushing too much air is generally correct. That said, playing picc takes less air but maybe a little more body compression without overdoing it.
      When I am prepping something on picc, I will put it in the middle of my day and play short phrases on it with lots of rest in between (play some Bb, rest, play picc, rest, play Bb). I will continue this pattern of back and forth until picc feels comfortable. start where pitch is familiar. middle C on a Bb is low C on a picc (if you are using the Bb pipe) and slowly go up from there. Eyes closed, BCH and all that good stuff. Be gentle. delicate with it. it’s not the laser beam a trumpet can be. do alot of short sessions with it.

      I am not sure what else you want to know…all the other stuff to do on picc is basically the same that Greg talks about here… mouth shape, articulations, range is after all mouth shape, the breathing..over time you will find less is better with a picc.. but that balance is up to you to feel the most comfortable with.

      I hope that helps and doesnt further confuse.. I am sure Greg has better input


      Does that make sense?

    • #32434

      Thanks Marshall
      I will follow your advice. To vary the training between the B-tr and the picc in shorter sequenses is probably a good idea. Breathing control is something I struggle with.
      Thanks again

    • #32456

      No worries Bo. We all struggle at some point. that’s why we are here! Enjoy playing picc! it’s a lot of fun!


    • #32457

      Bo, one more tip.. sorry i forgot this one and it came back to me…

      usually picc parts are written in the staff.. so play through the music on Bb as written. the fingerings are the same but on picc will sound an octave higher.. then switch to picc maybe play 2 measuers at a time then 4 etc to get used to it.. maybe you already do this maybe not…
      also if you have to play something in D trumpet, it’s better to play picc in A because the transposition is in an easier key than picc in Bb. plus the notes on the horn are usually more in tune.. F major is your friend… hope that helps if you didnt already know these things.. if you did.. ah well..
      be well.

    • #32491

      Thanks again. Yes F major is my best friend 🙂 I will come back to you again if I face problems. Have a good day

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