WindWorks Trumpet Academy Forums WindWorks time to be able to play clear Reply To: time to be able to play clear


Hi Greg thanks again for your reply
Aside following the instructiones of the largo and andante level I try to improvise with the few tones which I can already play in the lower register and try to play simple melodies and that’s what I sometimes feel on one day to play nice and clear and on the other day I think the trumpet is clogged or the tones start jittering. I can play a resonant low C up to the G every day, yes. I can play the ascending halftone scale with a metronome as well, No problem. I even made the Harmonic slurs of C*, D, and C for 4 beats at 138 (not every day but this is really a great feeling of success for me after that short period of time I learn to play trumpet). I have problems with the descending halftones after changing from the A to the G# because than my lips start fluttering without control. I am working on it! I’ll take your advice and try to do more often a shorter time each day. Before starting the trunpet I was never aware of my lips having muscles and can be tired! thats really a part of my body I have never known before in this way.
I am sure without your instructiones I would have gone the wrong way as an autodidact with a teacher called YouTube and would have started to overblow and lipclamp. As you said in one video YouTube is full of instructions of this kind, but YouTube as well showed me your free lessons which I instinctivly liked the most and made me join the MTM course. I cant wait to master the higher C to be able to play the C-scales.
Thanks Greg for your work, I am really appreciate it!