WindWorks Trumpet Academy Forums WindWorks Motivated Comeback Player Reply To: Motivated Comeback Player


Hi thanks for your reply. I guess I will only implement the learnings on the warm up of my daily routine for now and gradually add more. As for the airpockets I am not worried, they are slightly above and below the lips and I think they showed up because I took the zero body engagement very seriously, to the point where the embouchure did not engage at all and the lips just oscillated with the air flow. My notes on the singing c were really piano and soft, sometimes almost non existent. For me the most important fight will be the lip clamp… I have always used a roll in roll out embouchure. As I increase the range my lips tend to roll in. However for the lower range, and especially for pedal tones my lower lip rolls out. I find this approach to work well for the low register, but the high register is very inconsistent. I have days where I can skyrocket my range and days where it is a fight against the trumpet, really painful one. My goal is to achieve consistency and effortless playing so that I can truly enjoy

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