Mystery to Mastery Forums WindWorks 8th Jan 2013 Sunday Sessions LIVE

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    • #149521
      Greg Spence



      Hi guys! Welcome to 2023, the biggest year yet in the History of Mystery to Mastery.

      Site and course changes
      You will notice gradual changes, including website and course design, video order plus new videos, a new dashboard and some other surprises to make it your best year ever as well.

      How are we doing?
      Some of the changes have been made thanks to your generous feed back. If there is anything you would like to see in the course or anything that bothers you, please let us know and we’ll do our darndest to accommodate your ideas.

      Google Reviews
      In trying to spread the word about the WindWorks Trumpet Academy, Sunday Sessions LIVE and the Teaching Tuesdays LIVE, it would be enormously helpful if you could write up a little review. It all really helps and is super appreciated.

      Testimonial Video
      To push the friendship even further, the best way to get people fired up for the course is to hear it from the horse’s mouth. If you could quickly film yourself, only 20-30 seconds, saying your version of, “Hi, I’m Greg from Australia and I have been playing trumpet for 35 years. Windworks has really……..” that would be HUGE for us.

      Sunday Sessions LIVE 8th January

      Session 1: UK/Europe 9am London – 10am Berlin
      Australia Melbourne 8pm/Brisbane 7pm

      Session 2: USA 4pm New York – 1pm California
      Australia Melbourne 8am/Brisbane 7am (Monday Morning)

      Go with the FLOW, RELEASE, don’t BLOW!
      Kind regards,
      Greg and the WTA Team

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