WindWorks Trumpet Academy Forums WindWorks Air behind the lips

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    • #28714

      I feel like I have been making tremendous progress just sticking with the basics in the Largo stage. I keep watching the videos, and I seem to notice things missed previously. My range is still low, but the sound is so much better.

      What I am noticing is the feeling that the lips are vibrating more freely. However, I also feel small volumes of air becoming trapped between the teeth and the lips (primarily upper). I used to think this was related to unneeded resistance at the aperture, i.e. tight lips, but now I am wondering if this could be a sign of increased lip relaxation. I notice this mostly when doing the lower pitch singing C exercises.

      Should I be concerned or is this a good sign?

    • #29199

      Hi Eric,
      It is the same for me.
      I feel that it’s because the lips are more relax and vibrate freely. And then the sound is much more resonant.
      So for me it is better to play with a pocket of air in the upper lip, it is an indirect sign that my lips are not too tensed.
      Kind regards.

    • #29483

      Thank you for the reply, Francis. Deconditioning bad habits is remarkably tough work!

    • #31972
      Greg Spence

      Hey there guys, ideally there is no “puff” out of the lip but without seeing you it is a little hard to determine. When doing the AaahOooh, I would suspect there is no puff so in letting go of the grip in the oscillator, you might be overdoing it?!?!? Just guessing.


    • #31973
      Greg Spence

      Hey there guys, ideally there is no “puff” out of the lip but without seeing you it is a little hard to determine. When doing the AaahOooh, I would suspect there is no puff so in letting go of the grip in the oscillator, you might be overdoing it?!?!? Just guessing.


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