Mystery to Mastery Forums WindWorks Choosing Mouthpiece


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    • #5855

      Hi Greg, first i’d like to thank you for this great concept of learning how to play with a positive thinking and with always good exemples to follow. It makes me enjoy practising trumpet finally after several years of playing šŸ™‚

      I was wondering what do you think about choosing the right mouthpiece? At what time you can try to explore different shape of cup etc? When did you quit playing the 7C or the 5C ? (or maybe you still playing them šŸ˜‰



    • #5863
      Ronald Carson

      Here’s a video by Greg.
      You will learn that mouthpieces are used to for changes in timbre. Mouthpiece size is a personal preference for the style of music and what is comfortable. It can be like shoe size. Wouldn’t it be crazy if someone asked the question, “What size shoe should I wear to play sports?” If it were a sport that required running on different surfaces I would choose a shoe that fits the conditions of the field, such as wet, dry, artificial, mud, etc. Kinda like that with music. For me, I love the 3C and I also have a 3E, a shallower cup that makes my tone bright. I’m just playing for the fun and memories so I’m satisfied with the 3C. It is easier and more comfortable than a 7C, but I have changed a lot of the way I play (thanks to Greg) since making the switch, so I’m sure I’d play better on the 7C than I used to. The sound of me playing on the 3C is more pleasing to me. Notice I did not say the 3C sounds better than the 7C, this may not be true for everyone. It’s my lips, mouth, air and technique, not anybody else.

    • #6749

      Iā€™m just starting the course. Loving it so far, thanks Greg. I have been a 1.5C player for quite as will now. I play a lot of jazz and like the warm sound. I would also like to play lead however never been able to do it on a the shallower mouthpieces because I bottom out and get a double buzz thing happening. My question is, can I do the course on both the 1.5c and the Shilke 14a4a or should I stick to a mouthpiece which is middle of the road ie 3c.:)

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