I have been practicing today, and I had a thought/request. I am still working on keeping everything open on inhalation and exhalation, and I am still trying to discover the aperture corners. I think the goal of pitch change is an open body (BCH) with changes at the aperture corners, tightening for ascending notes and loosening for descending notes. The aperture seems to be the main place where air flow meets tension/resistance to flow.
I find there are multiple ways to tighten the corners:
– vertical tightening of the corners, without or without jaw movement
– pulling the corners backward into the teeth
– puckering the lips forward
– a combination of these items
– there are likely other ways
My question is whether a video demonstration of corner control would be helpful? Perhaps I have missed it or not yet reached a level in the course with this information. If it is not present, a demonstration on the visualizer of a slur from the lower register to the higher register would help me, so I can see the best method for corner tightening and see what happens to the aperture itself. If this is already posted somewhere, please direct me to the correct video.