Mystery to Mastery Forums WindWorks Falsetto?

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    • #13386

      Hi Greg,
      First of all, thanks for your very exciting videos on facebook!
      I feel that to imagine singing like head voice or falsetto help me to find the right shape (without kicking) to play above F on top of the staff.
      What do tou know about that and how it works?
      Kind regards.

    • #13387
      Greg Spence

      Hey Francis, so pleased you are enjoying the course. I have experimented with the ventricular cords for the low harmonic drones but only limited research with falsetto so far (but I have a killer falsetto voice after a vodka or two!!!). In a random kind of way there is a relationship and I will be discussing this further in the extended range of the Ultimate Level but as it stands falsetto vibrates on a different part of the vocal cords and altissimo vibrates from a different part of the lips in the altissimo register after reflection stops above high C (ish) More to come but stay your path!!! 😉

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