Mystery to Mastery Forums WindWorks Finding the “sweet spot”

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    • #13815

      Hi all,

      Really making progress with the course!
      However, one thing is bothering me.
      When putting the mouthpiece on the lipsI feel a lot of time small inconsistencies influencing ease op play and tone characreristics.
      Any idea’s how to find the best spot and how to train to consistatly place the mouthpiece like this?
      Maybe you can give sone advice Greg?

      Thanks in advance,


    • #14059
      Greg Spence

      Hey there Bennie, if you can find it once, you can find it again, it’s just awareness and repetition. The visualiser and tissue is the best way to go.

      I have given private lessons to several WindWorks users and rarely is the process done correctly. In fact, now that I write that it deserves a post of it’s own.

      Really watch closely all of the videos and copy exactly what I am doing and simply notice the result. Don’t try to CONTROL the result, there is a BIG difference there.

      Best Wishes,

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