Mystery to Mastery Forums WindWorks MTM Book 2

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    • #13194

      Hi Greg,
      I have access to book 2 online but I would like to download it in PDF like the book 1.
      Is it possible?
      All the best.
      Francis Maziers.

    • #19922

      From what I can tell, the MTM II book is only available online. If I practice from an ipad or computer, I just bring up the site and practice that way. Or I just memorize the exercises and do them by feel. I suppose you could screenshot each page and stitch them together into a pdf format for yourself, but that seems like a lot of work.

    • #19953

      It’s available to download now (MTM book 1 and 2). Best regards.

    • #38782
      Rob Bennsky

      You can download the books (in PDF format) but you won’t have access to the videos or the mp3 files. To access those you have to access the Original MTM books under the heading of MTM Ebooks and they (videos, mp3s) don’t play on apple products, ipad, iphone, etc. It would be nice if both book’s videos and mp3s were offered on dvd/cd’s so you can play from a downloaded print copy of the books.

    • #38862
      Rob Bennsky

      I stand corrected about the Original MTM book’s MP3’s and videos playing on Apple products. They do play on my iPad….sorry for any confusion….

    • #40044
      Rob Bennsky


      In MTMII in the “How to use this book” section it says to “Work through Sections 1,2 and 3 every day to expand your limits.” Four sentences later it says “Limit your technical development sessions to no more than 30 minutes including rest, to stay mentally and physically fresh”. It’s not possible to get through all of those exercises in 30 minutes unless your just mindlessly playing through them. So would it be best just to do one of the keys in each section and then move on to music?

    • #40108

      Maybe I’m missing something bu I can’t see how to download the PDF of book 2? I’ve got access to it online and have been using it but would like a PDF. Any help appreciated.

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