Mystery to Mastery Forums WindWorks Neuroplasticity- rewire your brain

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    • #76476

      Greg often refers to the process of ‘rewiring the brain’ through the PROCESS driven exercises in the program. I have a PhD in neuroscience and have studied this neuroplasticity process for over 20 years at the molecular level. I thought members would benefit from a more concrete description to what he’s referring. Check out this YouTube video: (not my work). It is a time-lapse movie of brain cells/ neurons ‘connecting up’ to one another. Obviously this movie is not filmed inside a brain, but rather under a microscope. With the formation of this new connection, those two brain cells can now ‘communicate’ with one another. In the few moments you’ve spent reading this, the ‘connecting’ process has occurred in your brain thousands of times. This is how the brain learns and retains that knowledge- through a literal physical connection between brain cells. The more complex the knowledge and associated behavior, the more brain cells connect into ‘daisy chains’ of inter-related circuits. Every time you use/ trigger that behavior, you activate the relevant neural circuit(s) and additionally recruit new connections to strengthen/ reinforce the behavior. As long as those physical connections remain, the knowledge/ behavior related to those connections is retained. Conversely, if a connection is ‘broken’, the knowledge is lost. Your brain is constantly forming and breaking cell:cell connections in response to your interaction with your environment. That’s what it’s designed to do. That is the biological basis of learning/ adaptation. The goal of the M2M program is to ‘break’ existing neural connections/ circuits which represent your old playing habits, and to form new connections/ circuits that support more efficient habits. The only way to do this is the same way as ‘to get to Carnegie Hall’- through practice, practice, practice of the new behavior(s).

    • #76480

      This is neat, thanks for posting.

      Conversely, is it true that if we practice bad process that we can go backwards or it can adversely affect our ability?

      I have struggled in the past going from a dedicated focus on Process, which successfully increases my range and ability to focusing on Results and using that new range and ability but losing focus on the Process which got me there, this diminishing my results…

      Thankfully, I’ve found a balance and have some “guideposts” I watch out for now, but something I am aware of and try to watch out for.

      I guess my question or observation is that we can break good connections and replace them with bad connections if we lose sight of the WindWorks mantras, etc.

      Perfect Practice vs not correcting mistakes.

    • #76613
      Greg Spence

      Thanks guys, this is insane!!!

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