Mystery to Mastery Forums WindWorks practice quantities

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    • #29219

      After getting through the Adagio stage I have been repeating previous exercises as part of warming up but I am wondering how much one should play the individual exercises presented the lessons? (Other than the harmonic slurs which have results goals.)

      Specifically I am wondering about the Adagio articulation exercises, how many times should these be repeated and at faster tempos? How long should the exercises be played in general?


    • #29453
      Greg Spence

      Hey Steve, thanks being part of our WindWorks community.

      This is a very subjective thing. The Foundation Level should definitely be done daily to reinforce new pathways and to continue to develop efficiency.

      I think just pushing the speed envelop every day is important and taking notes of your progress rather than hours per day.

      Eventually you will gradually spend less time on the range you “own” and more just pushing your boundaries.

      I hope that makes sense.


    • #29454
      Greg Spence

      Hey Steve, thanks being part of our WindWorks community.

      This is a very subjective thing. The Foundation Level should definitely be done daily to reinforce new pathways and to continue to develop efficiency.

      I think just pushing the speed envelop every day is important and taking notes of your progress rather than hours per day.

      Eventually you will gradually spend less time on the range you “own” and more just pushing your boundaries.

      I hope that makes sense.


    • #29455

      Thanks for your reply. Do you want all Foundation material (Singing C, Exercises, Harmonic Slurs) to be played for all keys or just the results (harmonic slur) sections? I think it may be a few hours to play everything especially if each exercise is repeated a few times and with breaks?

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