Mystery to Mastery Forums WindWorks Practise Routine

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    • #24664

      As I go through the course I would like to know what parts should be reviewed daily? Do I just do my normal warm up routine and start right where I left off yesterday. Or should I be practising all status stages from start to where I am currently (presto singing c series)? Or perhaps there are a few exercises from previous stages that could be done daily and then skip ahead to my current lesson? Could there be a list of things to revisit daily? Thanks.

      Rob Moore

    • #24772
      Greg Spence

      Hey there Rob, my advice is do the Foundation Level Daily and make sure the freedom and centre is there and work on the 1% Rule, then be selective as to what keys you want to touch on going through the Premium Level until you get to your range limit.

      I suggest to mix it up so as to not get in a rut repeating all the same exercises every day.

      Then spend a bit of your time at your range limit and do your PROCESS practise. This should only be a short amount of time daily with plenty of rest in-between attempts (remember to stay emotionally detached from the RESULTS).

      Then throw caution to the wind and just play for a bit in your uncomfortable range. Some days it will ROCK and other days no notes will speak at all. THAT is the learning process so be cool with it.

      So to summarise for a one hour session for example.

      Foundation Level – prep, sound development, 1% rule etc 30 mins
      Premium/Ultimate Level – Selected keys in “owned” range 20 mins
      Premium/Ultimate Level – Experimentation with uncomfortable range 10 mins.

      I hope that makes sense.

    • #24773

      Thank you! I love this course. A big reason is your mastery of teaching. I have been going through the course and have repeated many sections. Your advice provides something concrete to follow with out being too repetitive yet maintaining a good level of challenge.


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