Mystery to Mastery Forums WindWorks Range Loss after Initial Gain?

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    • #41212
      Rob Bennsky

      Hey Greg,

      After initially gaining range, I seem to be back to where I was when I started. After about 2 weeks working through the course, I was owning high E’s and F’s, playing them with authority. Now it seems like I’m struggling with them. Do you think this could be an issue with tightening up in the throat?

    • #41231
      Greg Spence

      Hey there Rob, usually people experience a loss in range when taking steps back to realign their playing.

      Occasionally people will discover that the new openness facilitates some higher range.

      So consider what you said, “I was owning F’s and now I don’t” to paraphrase. Think about the logistics of that. There was a process that you took to be able to do what you were doing and logic,not to be confused with reality, says if you can do it once you can do every single time. Therefore, something in your process must have changed.

      This is where a deep awareness of your playing processes becomes so vitally important. This demonstrates what people struggle with – “why can I do it one day and not the next?” – to which I say – “Well what CAN you do every day?” NOT what can you do when the “conditions are favourable” to steal a quote from Zen in the Art of Archery.

      “Do you think this could be an issue with tightening up in the throat?” Again, this comes back to what causes what. How do you tighten the throat? What is causing it? Where does it start? These are questions you must find the answers to by getting out that magnifying glass and going back to mmmmaaaaooooh and discover what is changing.

      And to answer your question… NO! You can still squeeze out high F’s with a constricted body. Remember, pitch is determined at the mouth/lips, not the airflow from the body, not the tongue but the lips where contact is made with the instrument.


    • #41315


      I had the same experience. Keep the Faith, and you’ll be better for it. It’s not as easy as saying engage the aperture corners and we’re good to go, the reality is sometimes frustratingly subtle–a f*ing knife’s edge of difference. It can be excruciatingly subtly different. The good news is, you’ll be better for the experience. The bad news is that you will have setbacks.

      When I had setbacks, I eventually learned that focusing on Process rather than Results (i.e. Range) was the answer.

      I would have success “owning” a new note(s), then get excited and lose focus on the Process that got me there. That happened a number of times, hate to admit it, before i realized what my mistake(s) was (were).

      If you re-focus on efficiency, resonance of sound, relaxation, you’ll likely find your way again–as I did.

      Godspeed to you.

    • #41455
      Adrian Hicks

      I agree with Greg and Johnelwood,
      Best to judge your progress on a monthly basis with trumpet, not weekly IMHO. Is your airstream going up and corners in as you ascend?

      Hey Hixta, that is great advice, thanks.

      I want to clarify as to not create confusion, that the “air going up” idea is, in my opinion based on my research, is more of a sensation that a reality.

      This is discussed in detail in the “SPS Squeaky Pedals” video in the Ultimate Level.

      Some high profile players (Bobby Shew, Roger Ingram) believe “air up” is higher range, others believe “air down” is higher range (Allan Vizzutti, Adam Rapa).

      I prefer the IDEA of air up to stop that bottom lip from rolling backwards over the lower teeth. The idea of “forward and up” encourages the lower lip to stay forwards and as you said, engages the aperture corners to inhibit pinching the lips down.

      Cheers, Greg

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