Hi all! Introducing the Lip Zip.
MY GOAL: By the time I leave this planet, I want there to be NO CONFUSION, DOUBT, OR UNCERTAINTY about my ideas of how the mouth and lips work.
First, there was simply, “Firming the Aperture Corners” the horizontal inward movement of the Aperture Corners. People still sometimes think I mean the corners of the mouth… nope!!!
Then came “AaaahOoooh” or “Mmmmmoooooo” depending on who I am teaching.
Then came “V” for Victory and “X” Marks the Spot, using the fingers to feel the aperture corners, where the mouthpiece rim sits.
REMEMBER: The velocity of the airflow is determined by the aperture (the opening, the black bit!!!) That is where pitch change comes from, NOT BLOWING HARDER!
Then came the Milk Spout, which is very important and serves another purpose of getting that lower lip out.
Now I introduce to you, the Lip Zip.
The area between the corners of the mouth and the corners of the aperture is the Lip Zip.
The Lip Zip is firmer than you think.
When I demonstrate the Milk Spout with my finger and BLOW, no air escapes at the corners of the aperture. The Lip Zip stays firm.
Pitch change comes from the firming or loosening of the Lip Zip. Volume is determined by the vertical opening which allows more or less energy through the aperture corner setting.