• clarnder replied to the topic Newbie in the forum WindWorks 4 years, 8 months ago

    Hi Greg…trying to contact you via contact page…keep getting ‘ there is a problem’ message when trying to send.

    Not sure if you’re aware of an issue?

    Many Thanks


  • clarnder replied to the topic Newbie in the forum WindWorks 4 years, 8 months ago

    Hi Greg…thanks for taking the time…..really put some clarity into that for me. Funnily enough, before I’d seen your response I started this morning with a good 45 min re-cap then C singing session, deciding to then have a break and return to ‘normal’ practice. Already, aspects of the methodology are present. There are already more questions…[Read more]

  • clarnder replied to the topic Newbie in the forum WindWorks 4 years, 8 months ago

    Johnelwood…thanks for taking the time to give some constructive advice and encouragement. Being from well before the internet era, I continue to be amazed by the generosity of the brass and trumpet community in sharing information, be they amateurs or seasoned pros.
    Your reply makes total sense with regard to the old and new eventually…[Read more]

  • clarnder started the topic Newbie in the forum WindWorks 4 years, 8 months ago

    So on the advice of several respected player/teachers in the UK I have re -started on WindWorks.
    I’m an older comeback player, struggling with all the issues you would expect…range, endurance etc.
    As such I practice every day, otherwise what endurance I have quickly falls away. Having spent this week engrossed in WindWorks it occurred to me t…[Read more]

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