Mystery to Mastery › Forums › WindWorks › Newbie
So on the advice of several respected player/teachers in the UK I have re -started on WindWorks.
I’m an older comeback player, struggling with all the issues you would expect…range, endurance etc.
As such I practice every day, otherwise what endurance I have quickly falls away. Having spent this week engrossed in WindWorks it occurred to me that my playing time has significantly reduced, and I have what for me is a fairly long rehearsal on Saturday.
I fully get that quantity does not equal quality, and at present I am more than willing to take WindWorks step by step to fully understand and develop the system.
My question is, in the early stages of the course, how do you integrate it into regular practice, when almost inevitably I will slip back into ‘old methods’ until WindWorks has become ingrained.
Do you reduce the amount of regular practice, or just accept that it is a work in progress, or could this slow down progress.
I should say that I have slightly modified my regime and am staying in lower more comfortable registers where presently I am able to implement more of the techniques, rather than trying to extend range……all thoughts/advice welcome. Thanks.
Greg’s Reply”
Welcome back, I think you received good advice to come back. It really does work, but it does require patience, focus and a complete surrender of expectations during your experimentation to what works for You.
Have you seen the Trumpet Chat videos Greg has posted?
In particular, Trumpet Chat 6 features a concept Greg talks about in which there are two buildings–one in which we’re living currently, and a new one that we’re building that is going to be state of the art, etc.
I believe the building bit starts at about 21:00 but the whole video is great. And the threads that he mentions in the video are great to review as well.
Bascially, the answer to your question is you continue your normal practice and separately practice the WindWorks concepts–including watching / listening to videos / thinking about the concepts away from the horn (i.e. in the car, etc.).
Most of the change is mental, I believe.
Another thing that helped me in the beginning was to write down the principles that scroll across the bottom of the main website page and put those on my practice stand until I had them memorized and would think about the extemperaneously as I was practicing, playing, walking around, etc.
Eventually, your two methods of playing converge into one improved method.
I am a comeback player as well and I don’t play in any groups or have any playing commitments, so I kind of dove in fully and switched my playing over fully–or tried to. Even then, it took several months to feel any sort of consistency and even then, there were setbacks. But it works. I’m still on the journey myself and have a way to go, but I’m playing higher and easier than I ever thought possible. I don’t play a long time, so I’m not sure about endurance. But I never feel tired really and I have access to the top of my range at the end of my practice sessions.
Hope that helps–good luck!
Johnelwood…thanks for taking the time to give some constructive advice and encouragement. Being from well before the internet era, I continue to be amazed by the generosity of the brass and trumpet community in sharing information, be they amateurs or seasoned pros.
Your reply makes total sense with regard to the old and new eventually converging.
Many Thanks.
You’re very welcome, clarnder; I sincerely hope it’s helpful.
I’ve posted this before on other threads, but I am a comeback player who owes a lot to the online community–especially WindWorks. Despite years of private lessons from reputable teachers and countless hours of practice through all the method books (i.e. Clarke, ARban’s, Schlossberg), I could never develop my range above around G above the staff and my endurance was poor.
The past year or so, I stumbled upon some videos on YouTube and WindWorks and had a major epiphany in how to change pitch; I could easily play from A on the staff to A above the staff, higher than my historical range limit.
Not soon after, I played my first ever High C. It wasn’t loud or strong, but I hit the pitch without a lot of struggle. From then on, I was inspired and have developed beyond what I ever thought possible. It hasn’t been a straight line of improvement, there have been setbacks; improvement is never linear. But I am very grateful to Greg and others in the online community and hope to return the favor and pay it forward. I would have a great sense of satisfaction if I helped someone else have the success i have had.
Very best of luck to you.
Hi Greg…thanks for taking the time…..really put some clarity into that for me. Funnily enough, before I’d seen your response I started this morning with a good 45 min re-cap then C singing session, deciding to then have a break and return to ‘normal’ practice. Already, aspects of the methodology are present. There are already more questions arising ( which is a good thing!)
Just wish this sort of knowledge had been around 40 years ago…I was a terrible grunter, and had a strained throat pretty much full time. Had some great sessions with John Willbraham , as I was an aspiring pro, but we were not able to sort it, which is why in the end I packed up.
Just good to be back now with lots of time, and probably a more relaxed approach.
Thanks again.
Hi Greg…trying to contact you via contact page…keep getting ‘ there is a problem’ message when trying to send.
Not sure if you’re aware of an issue?
Many Thanks