• driemermk replied to the topic Decrescendo problem in the forum WindWorks 5 years, 6 months ago

    I`m from Germany.

    This means no passive reduction but abdominal activity to maintain the tone until the end, right?

  • Hi, I have the following problem in a piece of music I learn actually, but it is so basic, that everyone will encounter it earlier or later: a Decrescendo on an e2 over 8 beats, beginning with a mezzoforte.
    Am I understanding you, Greg, right, that the Decrescendo is produced by gradually reducing the amount of air that is actively applied, and…[Read more]

  • Thank you, Greg, this makes it much clearer to me.
    So the loose center is the primary goal to achieve and the subtle alterations of the aperture corners must let the responsiveness of the center be unaltered.

  • Hi Greg,
    as I understand the mechanism how higher notes are played, the aperture corners move inwards. This results in a smaller diameter of the aperture in right/left-direction.
    But this can only be done to a definite extent- then the aperture is obstructed. In any case this is the experience that I make: when I go up, beginning around c2/e2…[Read more]

  • driemermk started the topic singing c series step 1 in the forum WindWorks 6 years ago

    Hi Greg,
    I have a question concerning step 1 of singing c series.
    The first note and the second note are played using passive reduction but the loudness changes from ff to p.
    What has to be done actively to make this change happen?

  • When I just blow air through the leadpipe without sound production, the tissue moves forward.
    As soon as the sound starts, I notice that the forward movement of the tissue reduces significantly. Is this ok or is this a bad sign of clamping too much?

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