Mystery to Mastery Forums WindWorks Adagio leadpipe troubleshooting

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    • #6495

      When I just blow air through the leadpipe without sound production, the tissue moves forward.
      As soon as the sound starts, I notice that the forward movement of the tissue reduces significantly. Is this ok or is this a bad sign of clamping too much?

    • #6498
      Greg Spence

      @driemermk It’s a little hard to say without seeing you, it is a very fine line. If you feel the centre of the lip go into sympathetic oscillation as the Aperture Corners find their spot, then all is well. Really get into the closed eyes humming and see if the sensation is the same. Also use Passive Reduction, no body engagement to test it. Cheers, Greg

    • #6545

      Hi Greg

      Can we learn something about the way the lips LOOK like while playing, or shouldn’t we be concerned about that? I notice your course focuses on the feeling and the sensations, and does not really mention how a lip setting should look like while playing. I’m not really sure if you use the magnifying glass as a metaphore for discovering (by feeling) where the problems arise. Or do you really look at the lip position as well to discover deficiencies?


    • #6551
      Greg Spence

      Hi Tom, how are you my friend. No I don’t want people trying to “create” what they think the chops should look like, this will cause manipulation and get away from the search for the optimum, natural placement of the mouthpiece. Everyone is different so that is why I use the tissues and rim to find the natural setup of the individual. The Magnifying Glass is merely metaphorical, searching for where inefficiency begins. I hope you are well and I look forward to getting back to Ghent, hopefully next year. Cheers, Greg

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