Nate replied to the topic Valve getting stuck on the way up in the forum WindWorks 4 years, 9 months ago
Good to hear all is well, have fun!
Nate replied to the topic Valve getting stuck on the way up in the forum WindWorks 4 years, 9 months ago
Hi Tandeitnik,
Sorry to hear about the valve difficulty. I will assume that you are pressing the valves straight up and down — that your fingers are not leaning on the valves and pulling them (to the side) as you finger notes. Also that you are doing that finger action quickly/firmly.
Can you return to the store where you purchased the…[Read more]
Nate replied to the topic Double Tonguing in the forum WindWorks 5 years, 1 month ago
Hi Rob,
Can you do it without the trumpet? Take your breath, then Ku Ku Ku Ku — quarter notes at 60? (or even just one Ku)
If you can do it with just your breath (BCH) and trading the Tu for Ku, then add the mouthpiece. If that’s working, add the leadpipe. Hopefully, your Ku is going ok using the lead pipe. Then add your trumpet — start with…[Read more]
Nate replied to the topic Double Tonguing in the forum WindWorks 5 years, 1 month ago
Hi Rob,
For me the ku or kah isn’t a hard breath attack, rather it’s more like the first sound of the word kick or ketchup (same for the ku/kah of the triple tongue — ttk) — so a real tongue attack but, I think, using the middle/back of the tongue against the top of the mouth. I tend to practice exercises that call for double tonguing both…[Read more]
Nate replied to the topic Fighting the frustration in the forum WindWorks 5 years, 5 months ago
It seems like what you are doing is good and seems to reflect what Greg is sharing in his videos, perhaps the endurance needs more time? I’m working on the moderato lessons, and one thing I do for the leadpipe is to hold my mouthpiece in one hand (fingers) and the leadpipe in the other and start the BCH breath into the mouthpiece (no buzz) and…[Read more]