• tomismemnoch started the topic Jaw position in the forum WindWorks 5 years, 1 month ago

    Hiya Greg,
    What are you thoughts regarding jaw position with an overbite, aligning teeth to have space for air without causing jaw problems?

    Hey Thom, I want the lip tissue to be as aligned vertically, as comfortably as possibly without any strain in the jaw whatsoever. I cover this in detail but I don’t mention the jaw much as…[Read more]

  • Hi guys,
    Thank for the feedback. Paul is a great teacher with some great ideas. I’m also totally on board with what everyone is saying. I guess for me personally, I wonder if my mpc diameter is quite right for allowing my lips to oscillate in the m2m way. It feels like my mpc kind of pushes some of my bottom lip tissue over my bottom teeth which…[Read more]

  • Hi Greg and forum,
    I’ve been doing the course for 3months and it’s great, really enjoying it and I’m noticing positive changes bit by bit.
    One thing I was wondering for myself and a particular student of mine is how much does lip size matter? Should all of the red be inside the mouthpiece/cup? In my situation it can feel like my mpc alters my…[Read more]

  • tomismemnoch replied to the topic Bottom lip in the forum WindWorks 5 years, 6 months ago

    Hey Greg,
    I’ve just got to the first exercise at Andante (C adding Eb then Ab) and it has, coupled with playing outside of the windworks practice, made me more aware that my bottom lip gradually slips between my teeth and eventually blocks my air stream. I’m definitely not clamping or forcing the air but the whole thing just shuts off. Could it…[Read more]

  • tomismemnoch replied to the topic Bottom lip in the forum WindWorks 5 years, 6 months ago

    Hi Greg,
    All of the breathing , releasing air, backswing etc is making sense and I really get it. I’m going slowly through the largo stage and being patient.
    I’m working at mmmmaaaahoooh and again, it makes sense but when I’m playing it feels like my mouthpiece is sitting at a point on my bottom lip that pushes it back over my teeth, I think…[Read more]

  • tomismemnoch replied to the topic Bottom lip in the forum WindWorks 5 years, 6 months ago

    Hi Greg,
    I think it’s always been there on and off. I’m re watching and taking things slowly to try and stop it. I’m not deliberately doing it but my lips try and roll in themselves. I have fairly full lips and have had a running battle in my head about lip size and how that might impact playing. Also trying to ignore that.

  • tomismemnoch started the topic Bottom lip in the forum WindWorks 5 years, 6 months ago

    Having had a few days off over xmas, I’ve come back to practice and I’m noticing my bottom lip either rolls in or tucks under. Even if I’m concentrating on mmmmahoooo. I did wonder if my mpc contact point is partly to do with it. I think it’s the cause of my locking up. Any thoughts or tips would be greatly appreciated. Thanks

  • tomismemnoch replied to the topic Starting notes in the forum WindWorks 5 years, 7 months ago

    I think, having re watched an earlier m2m video on mpc placement and having sat with my visualizer and lead pipe (using ny nat one, hope thats ok) , that my mpc placement was a tiny bit too high to fully allow everything else to fall into place. It’s all working better but does feel odd a bit lower!

  • Hi guys
    I’m finding I can get my breathing and blowing nice and relaxed and no kicking once the exercise is under way (singing C) but actually starting the C doesn’t speak or kind of gradually appears.im not pinching either. Any tips? Cheers Thom

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