Mystery to Mastery Forums WindWorks Oct 23 Sunday Sessions LIVE with special guest Shane Gillard Reply To: Oct 23 Sunday Sessions LIVE with special guest Shane Gillard


The Sunday Sessions are always very motivating and encouraging! It’s not always easy to break old trumpet playing habits. And there are moments when the frustration creeps in. A visit to Greg’s Sunday Session will help me. And I know immediately that every Maaooooh is worth it! What I particularly liked about this Sunday was that Shane emphasized that we should find the music in every note! Even when we practice. Playing the trumpet is about making music. To express yourself. To build a relationship with the instrument, with the audience and also with yourself. Regardless of whether I’m the world’s best screamer or whether I play a low C or a no note.
Thank you Greg for not getting tired of explaining all the details to us a thousand times over!

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