Mystery to Mastery Forums WindWorks adagio chromatic and what is a "beat"

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    • #15328

      Hi Greg !

      First I would like to tell you how much I enjoy the course. I’m a real beginner but I’m very surprised by the results I get following your pragmatical tips and practicing (again and again and again) the exercices. So thank you so much for your teaching. It’s a joy to return every day on the platform to practice and watch your videos.

      For the time being, I’m having a hard time playing the notes of the adagio chromatic, especially the last 3 ones (G#, G and F#). Do you have any tips for me ? or it’s just a matter of time and practice ?

      I also have an other question regarding the process chart. What is a beat ? Is it the denominator of the time signature or all the notes in the mesure ? In other words what should I play on each metronome “beat” ?

      Have a great year Greg and everyone !

      Yveline (Montréal, Canada)

    • #15341
      Greg Spence

      Hey there Yveline, welcome to WindWorks and thanks for your post.

      The answer to the chromatic is to slow it right down.

      Some people like the idea of really hammering the fingers down.

      Another suggestion is swapping hands and developing it with your left hand fingers; this uses a different part of the brain and when you swap back it seems easier.

      As far as the charts go, have a read through this thread:


    • #15379

      Thank you for your quick answer Greg : I’ll try that.

      Concerning my question about the progress chart : it’s crystal clear now. Many thanks !


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