Mystery to Mastery Forums WindWorks Air Back Up

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    • #45546

      Ok, here’s what I’m feeling in practice today 3.8.20: I feel like I’m releasing the air but also like I’m holding air in my mouth because there seems to be a little backup and plenty of air when I take the trumpet down. I’m sure that I have to fix this. If not, going higher will not be good.

      FROM GREG:
      Hi leadtrumpeter, totally letting the body go and returning to it’s position of repose can feel like jumping off the edge of a cliff as there is a feeling of not control. Be sure to close your eyes and slowly do the exercises as explained and demonstrated. I see all the time people think they are doing things correctly but are in reality holding a lot of tension.

      Keep working on it.

    • #45552

      You might want to check out the following 2 videos. You may need to open up the aperture a little more than you are. You didn’t mention at what note you were playing. Hope this / the videos below help FWIW. Best of luck!

    • #45621

      Thanks, John, I’m on it.

    • #45692

      Thanks, Greg. I will do just that and make sure that I am going everything correctly. By the way, my name is Peter. Although I call myself Lead trumPeter I’m working on getting there. So glad I found you. You’re a blessing.

    • #45695

      I have to add this because I think that this approach is so amazing. I’m currently working on some big band arrangement for my favorite hymns and even when I write and think about where I want the arrangement to go and mimic it without my horn I get a headache. Do you know why? Because the first thing I do is tense up my body and pretend I’m playing high. With this approach, I’m just relaxing and releasing the air to mimic the horn arrangements. No headaches. Amazing.

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