Mystery to Mastery Forums WindWorks Caruso six notes

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    • #78936

      Hi Greg
      hi all

      today I worked through the Largo stuff.
      It worked very easy for me 😉
      I don’t know exactly why🤔
      But there is a lot of very helpful information for me to remember and understand what good trumpet players explained to me before I found you(listened to The other side of the bell 🔔 )
      Your explanations makes it clearer for me
      To work Process driven. Focus on the technical Part of playing ( body’s Concerthall, backswing, slingshot, mmaaoou, )
      on the other side I try to focus mostly on the sound ( Result Driven ) during practice and performing
      I am sure that your explanation will help me with my warmup before performing ( when there is no flow etc.)
      Or during performing ( to refocus ) if things go wrong.

      I am a semi professional player with a lot of up and downs in the last 40 years of playing trumpet.
      After retirement last year I stick very deep in all information, methods of trumpet playing and I have practicing every day.
      sometimes I play the my hole range from double pedal notes up to f and g’s on third octave. ( learned from SmilieMethod rollin, rollout lips) Sometimes not😩 I asked myself WHY?
      My obsession is since years to be a good teacher for me and my students.

      One question to you:
      When the four factories works from c to
      g is it allowed to transform them now to my hole range?
      Or what is your recommendation
      As I mentioned above I know a lot, I learned a lot, but I loose a lot.

      Means I fell in traps and damage thinks driven by wrong (“ new” ideas) .

      And please can you give me a recommendation about Caruso six notes?

      Appreciated to get some answers from you

      Hajo 🎺🎶

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