• Hajo replied to the topic Is my pivot backwards? in the forum WindWorks 1 year, 6 months ago

    I made the same way you described.
    Watching Charly Porter and following his exercises.
    Observing the embouchure of good players
    Imitating there sounds etc.

    Today I know that every player is different.
    Every player looks different

    What we can see is only the outside part of the embouchure.
    After MtM I know that it is not important…[Read more]

  • Hajo replied to the topic Is my pivot backwards? in the forum WindWorks 1 year, 6 months ago

    How long have you been working through MtM.
    It seems to me that you are very frustrated.
    Although I can understand you I would like to give you an advice.
    Stay in the process and concentrate on every tiny explanation from Greg.

    I could improve my playing during the last two years and I am sure you will make it , too.

    Frustration can be a good…[Read more]

  • Hajo replied to the topic Is my pivot backwards? in the forum WindWorks 1 year, 6 months ago

    Hi Rob

    I recommend to you to start immediately with Greg Spence MtM and you will learn a new Technik to play the trumpet.

    I learned his method during the last two years. Today I am able to play hours. My range improved incredible up to high g.

    I am going to quit the program by the end of this month.

    If you like please contact me…[Read more]

  • That sounds good Jerome
    It seems you are on the right way.

    You are right to increase volume you have to activate your body but not to much.

    To play higher only corners in and experiment with your tongue.

  • Jerome
    don’t think to much about the position or movement of the top and bottom lip.

    I recommend to concentrate on the idea of aaaaaoooo and the feeling of milk spout.

    With that movement ( horizontal) you can learn to play from nonote to low note and pitch change.

    You have to learn the process and to practice the process first.

    In my o…[Read more]

  • Hello Rob

    The idea of the feeling and using of your top lip is the bedsheet.
    The top lip reacts on the airflow.

    You have to learn and practice the feeling of aaaaaaoooo to change the pitch first.

    With the top lip ( bedsheet) and the bottom lip (Milk spout)
    That will give you mor and more a good relaxed feeling to play a passive low c
    Hope that…[Read more]

  • Hi gary

    My recommendation is restart with nonote to low note.
    Rediscover the sensation of passiv playing until you start practicing higher notes

  • Hello Way.Mel

    maybe your embouchure is to open. Means between nonote and lownote

    As Greg recommend stay in the process and the embouchure ones found becomes familiar.

    Sometimes out sound is airy. That means the embouchure is a little bit to open.
    You can try to make a little bit more o.


  • Hajo replied to the topic Playing in the "red" in the forum WindWorks 2 years, 2 months ago

    Hello Christopher

    Without watching such swelling it is not possible to give an advice to you.

    Maybe you can take photos from that, too?

    looking forward to help you

    Hajo 🎺

  • Hajo replied to the topic Playing in the "red" in the forum WindWorks 2 years, 2 months ago

    I know
    Made some bad experiences during my journey

    Good luck
    Hajo 🎺

  • Hajo started the topic Dry vs wet lips in the forum WindWorks 2 years, 2 months ago

    Hallo all

    I would like to open a new theme.
    I play since thirty years with dry lips. That avoid that the mouthpiece can slip from lips during playing especially when you play in a hot environment.
    I used to play with wet lips but my mouthpiece slipped down into the red part of the upper lip.
    What is your experience with that issue?
    How do you…[Read more]

  • Hajo replied to the topic Playing in the "red" in the forum WindWorks 2 years, 2 months ago

    Hello Christopher

    please can you send a photo or better a video which show exactly how you play or how you position you mouthpiece.

    Maybe I can give you some advice.

    Hajo 🎺

  • Hajo replied to the topic Playing in the "red" in the forum WindWorks 2 years, 2 months ago

    Hello meuty

    when I start to play trumpet, and I learned it by myself, I made the same mistake. I positioned my mouthpiece solo that I said in the read of the upper lip.
    As you know, and as you experienced, that is the wrong way, because there’s always a little bit pressure on the lip so I can give you all the follow advice. Be happy that you a…[Read more]

  • Hajo replied to the topic Getting frustrated! in the forum WindWorks 2 years, 2 months ago

    Hi Gary
    I can feel with you. I made similarly experiences.
    My advice for you is be patient and repeat the basics of MtM every day.
    And continue with playing in your swing band. By the time you will automatically play higher notes also
    In the band.
    But please be patient!!!!


  • Thank you for that information
    Hajo 🎺

  • Hello Rick

    happy to read your post. Yes I started 1,5 year ago with MtM.
    I made a lot of „ jumping backs“ to the basic exercises.
    It is the key of a successful learning of Greg’s method.

    After that time I start everything morning with those basics.

    Hajo 🎺

  • Hajo replied to the topic Largo Ascending Slurs… in the forum WindWorks 2 years, 4 months ago

    Hello Reijer

    that is an interesting question.
    So far I remember that means check you inhalation with your bent tip finger between your teeth.
    The aim is to inhale relaxed with an open throat.


  • Hajo replied to the topic How do you warmup? in the forum WindWorks 2 years, 4 months ago

    Hi Janet

    maybe my answers will surprise you.

    Since MtM I changed the hole Idea with warmup.
    The question is what would you like to warmup or what is really important to be warmuped ?
    I am very convinced that your body need the warmup not the trumpet.

    Therefore I start with flapping the lips,
    Stretching the face muscles, etc

    Than I take my…[Read more]

  • That sounds not bad

    Thank you for your answer. I am happy if I could help you a little bit.

  • Janet,

    I am so sorry that you have that problems although you work so hard on your trumpet.

    May that suggestion can help you.

    I learned to play with milk spout( embouchure 2.0). But when you hold the bell of your trumpet as high as you do without milk spout ( 1.0 embouchure) I made the experience that to much pressure on the upper lip close…[Read more]

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