Mystery to Mastery Forums WindWorks Give me a hint

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    • #6397

      Im more than willing to wait but im just working the leadpipe/sound column in the second stage – scale and arpeggio but was having some issues going to the full octave or above with either scale or arp.. I was trying to use absolutely passive breath and only MOUTH manipulation – which was what I thought you meant by shape. When I started to flick or do something with the tongue (certainly not anchor tongue!) I finally saw the partial pop out without the push. Is the tongue included in what you call shape. I really want to understand shape better, but I know the program is progressive.

    • #6446

      I have to apologize, I have been asking questions that are answered in 1 or 2 of the next lessons.
      Sorry to waste your time.

    • #6452
      Greg Spence

      No time wasted at all Rod. Busily preparing the next Level and happy to check in every so often to see what is happening. Cheers.

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