Mystery to Mastery Forums WindWorks Practicing while away… for 12 days!

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    • #34187

      So next week I’m going to Japan for 12 days. I can’t take my horn. So I ordered a lead pipe from WINDWORKS – thanks Greg!!! And I’m taking that and a mouthpiece.

      Any suggestions for how to keep improving and focusing and not lose my chops? I’m a complete beginner – well a beginner who tried really hard for a long time, couldn’t play, gave up and came back….:-)

      I’m planning on doing the backswing and tissue and slingshot… But I’m figuring 12 days is quite a long time without my horn…

      I don’t do mouthpiece buzzing, btw. It totally messed me up last time.

      Oh yeah – and any favourite trumpet shops in Japan?

    • #34375

      Playing the leadpipe isn’t the same as the horn, nor is buzzing the mouthpiece or free buzzing.

      If possible, I would try to bring your horn with a practice mute or something.

      But if that’s just not possible, then the leadpipe and mouthpiece and going through WindWorks courses is probably your best bet.

      Remember that playing isn’t not about muscular development as much as it is about coordination. There are great players who have taken a lot longer than 12 days off the horn and come back and hit double C’s without a warm up.

      There’s a lot of WindWorks that you can do away from the horn. So much of playing is mental.

      That’s my $.02 FWIW.

      Good luck and have fun in Japan.

    • #34408

      Thanks johnelwood – I can’t bring my horn. I’ll do my best to work on my co-ordination. 🙂

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