Mystery to Mastery Forums WindWorks Question on exercises Ive been doing awhile

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    • #6222

      Ive been doing the following exercise:

      For about a year. Now I’m only on the Largo stage of the program so far and I’m assuming that you will share much more about shape in future lessons. But I am thinking that maybe the exercise above is after the same shaping you speak of. I play very relaxed but using mouth shape instead of support and air is fairly new to me. My question is should I continue to use the above exercise or wait until you show me more about it. I’m on your program and dont want to work at cross purposes. I had to get really ZEN about working this level as my initial thought was I’m way beyond these exercises but as Ive done them like a beginner who knew nothing but what you told me I’m seeing things I would never have come across if I had skipped or poo pooed some of the simpler stuff which really makes a difference. I am trying very hard to maintain consistent breath even tho my natural tendancy is to blow at least hard enough to maintain equal volume. It puts you very deep inside your horn and head if you concentrate. Anyway pls. Let me know if you think this exercise should be continued.
      Rod Haney

    • #6229
      Greg Spence

      WOW… it is amazing to see this. I have done a mouthpiece buzz/lip bend video for the Allegro Status Stage very much on the same path, simply with a little more focus on process and making sure those negative habits don’t creep in.

      The exercises in the above video are valid but very advanced so be sure pure process is adhered to.

      One small issue I have is the idea of the “press the lips together against the accelerating air”. This can create a false psychology of range vs volume and the whole Singing C series is to eliminate the desire and/or need to push the air to change pitch.

      By all means continue but have that magnifying glass out 🙂


    • #6246

      Thanks, good to know, it felt like what Ive been trying to internalize. I just finished the 3rd stepm on singing c and it is helping understand where support comes in and why its somewhat necessary.

      The exercise has kind of stumped me since I was trying to keep my breath the same and was unable to sound much above 1st G above staff. Realizing the support was for the volume alone has helped and I’m still working hard with the drone and harmonic slurs to keep even. Although I do the Daniels exercise better in sound when I add support, I feel I get more toward learning shape by letting the volume drop and being consistent with air right now since I’m learning the new process. At least until I can sound the hi c by shape alone. Is this a process that will help till I learn more about all?
      Oh and I’m so happy that so far no-one has talked about what to do with their tongue, mine seems to be doing what it needs without the endless roll and tuck.

    • #6270
      Greg Spence

      Here’s a sneak peak and the vid I was talking about:

    • #6273
      Greg Spence

      Oh, there will be talk about tongue but not how you think!!!

    • #6274
      Greg Spence

      Oh, there will be talk about tongue but not how you think!!!

    • #6277

      Manley likes bending as well Greg as I’m sure you know, seems good players and teachers know it helps something. Ill just follow the script.

      As long as the tongue video and instruction doesn’t go into anchor tongue Ill follow along. I marched that path for a year and all it did was add tension and put another piece of BS at the front of my mind. I seem to do best when I just use it to flick the change in a fairly trumpet unconscious manner.I picked up the horn after an early retirement about 4 years ago after being off the horn since 1969, I played at a fairly high level doing it with the strength of a 17 year old. I am willing to suspend judgement on almost anything at this point to find an easier way – even anchor tonguing if you say so, but it has been a fruitless effort to this point and just seems another way to block the resonance. I did it all with air the 1st time. Can’t wait to learn more but I also understand the value of taking it at a measured and well thought out process. When does the program get more into working shape, I am just finishing Largo and think that this particular portion of the program will have great benefit. I’m finding that a portion of very soft almost whisper practice does give me a more definite feeling of shaping the notes. I hope this follows the plan?

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