• Is there an Australian one? If there is,can you remind me times and link.

  • Maybe we should blow up a balloon and put that over the leadpipe to clear the spit,

  • hucky2311 replied to the topic Piano in the forum WindWorks 2 years, 3 months ago

    What a good idea. I am going to shamelessly steal it! Thanks

  • hucky2311 replied to the topic Music and Science in the forum WindWorks 2 years, 4 months ago

    This post was a standalone post that I responded to. I thought the science was interesting, so I reposted it here with my response.

    Hi Greg
    It was after Midnight here in Germany when Sunday Session 2 ended. I went to bed with some really cool impressions in my head. While I was sleeping, something very interesting happened. I dreamd that I…

    [Read more]

  • hucky2311 replied to the topic My Dream in the forum WindWorks 2 years, 4 months ago

    I love that dream and from a scientific perspective, don’t underestimate the role of dream science and sleep in embedding the concepts.

    The brain has been underestimated for so long. Even though certain scientists developed hypotheses in the early 1900s around neuroplasticity, mainstream scientists used to believe up until the 1960s that once the…[Read more]

  • hucky2311 replied to the topic Music and Science in the forum WindWorks 2 years, 4 months ago

    I think at some point you may need to make a minor adjustment to the Andante Ab Singing C Step 2 video as a result of your findings at UNSW Acoustic’s lab. At about the 1-minute mark you talk about A440 and the lip needing to oscillate 440 times per second. My understanding from UNSW is that although the frequency is 440Hz, the lip does not…[Read more]

  • hucky2311 posted an update 2 years, 4 months ago

    @gregspence I don’t know where this post will end up. Has the support group forum come down because it no longer appears on my dashboard.
    I will miss the Zoom again, not because I don’t want to attend, I am still in hospital.

  • hucky2311 replied to the topic Music and Science in the forum WindWorks 2 years, 4 months ago

    Hi Janet,

    I am glad you are adopting a ‘no excuses’ and ‘nothing to prove’ philosophy and giving 2.0 a go. To be able to do that and dump the ego would not have been an easy process to undertake and I am glad you feel less burdened and free.

    The problem with the general field of psychology is that not all psychologists are not created equal.…[Read more]

  • hucky2311 replied to the topic Music and Science in the forum WindWorks 2 years, 4 months ago

    Hi Janet,
    I am sorry about your Dystonia. They should write in method books “keep playing this way and you will probably develop Dystonia, resulting in the symptoms of grief at losing your ability to play”.
    What I like about Greg’s method is that the Science is correct. The physics is right and Greg has researched that credibly with UNSW and other…[Read more]

  • hucky2311 replied to the topic Music and Science in the forum WindWorks 2 years, 4 months ago

    Thank you for those nice words.
    I was trying to think of an analogy. The only thing I thought of is a bicycle is not much good without a rider. The ‘traditional’ style that most us probably learnt trumpet on is like bicycle and it works fine but is not good enough for pro rider. WindWorks trains both the rider and the bicycle as one entity rat…[Read more]

  • hucky2311 changed their profile picture 2 years, 4 months ago

  • Hi all,
    My name is Nigel and those that have seen any of my posts will know I have a bit of a science background and what fascinates me most about WindWorks is the integration of fields of science not usually associated with playing music. Every method has physics, maths and physiology (even though some have the science wrong, it is still there)…[Read more]

  • hucky2311 changed their profile picture 2 years, 4 months ago

  • hucky2311 replied to the topic Me 2.0 has guilt in the forum WindWorks 2 years, 4 months ago

    I love what patricknowland9 just posted. Apart from being a returning player, I am a science nerd. The feature of what Greg has done is to bring together at least 4 scientific disciplines, all proven as valid by robust scientific method, and created a unique (and as far as I am aware) groundbreaking approach. Other methods are really only based on…[Read more]

  • hucky2311 replied to the topic Me 2.0 has guilt in the forum WindWorks 2 years, 4 months ago

    Guilt is a complex emotion and often goes hand in hand with shame, but can be mutually exclusive. Often it is our inner critic that causes those emotions which are sometimes warranted but sometimes not. An analogy is that 40ish years ago, I could buy codeine (highly addictive opioid), Valium (highly addictive benzodiazepine) and sudefadrene (used…[Read more]

  • Hi Dimitri,
    I have just started this course, so lots of unlearning is needed and, obviously, this is my first time on the forum. I noticed there is no reply and the date of your post.
    I have the same question and was wondering what you ended up doing? My 1.0 would have taken a mouthpiece away but don’t know now.